
Friday, October 04, 2024

Feel Good Friday

I'm so glad the rain finally stopped. I love rainy days, but that was a little much! 

Okay, so here's the Feel Good list: 

1. Today is Friday. 

2. Sleeping in a little tomorrow. Which is good since I've been up and moving since 4am. 

3. Cooler temps.

4. Even though I've made little progress on my story this week, I feel good about the decisions I've made. 

5. Spending last Sunday with the grandboys. We carved pumpkins, played, and watched weird tv. It was a good day. 

6. Weekend plans. They aren't crazy, but they're good. 

That's about it. I'm sure there's more, but my brain is literally broken. 

Don't be surprised if I don't show up for a few weeks. I think I need to take another social media break. I'm weary, so I'll be on hiatus for the next month or so. 


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Feel Good Friday on Saturday

Okay, enough with the rain already! I think I'm growing moss! 

In reality, I don't mind it so much. We did need it, and my plants are loving it. 

Anyway. Here's the list:

1. Living through the work week. It was a long one. 

2. Sleeping in a tiny bit this morning. It definitely wasn't long enough, but I did take a nap this afternoon. 

3. A phone call I've been wishing for. 

4. Realizing the old lady story needs something. Except even though I know what now, I'm not sure how I want to do it. Sigh. 

5. Getting stuff done around the house. 

6. Maybe sleeping in a little tomorrow. 

7. Having the boys tomorrow. We're going to carve pumpkins and hopefully do some plant rearranging. 

8. Mr. B winning his soccer game today, and him scoring every goal in the game and taking the title of the most goals in his league. 

9. Naps. Oh wait. I said that. 

10. Chicken Rice soup for dinner. 

That's all. I should try to figure this old lady out. 


Monday, September 23, 2024

New Beginnings...

I mentioned about my publisher closing down a few weeks ago. I'm still sad about this, but at the same time, I know it's time for me to spread my wings a little and go a different direction. It's been brewing for a little while now and things happening the way they did kind of feels like the push I needed. 

None of my books will be available after the end of the month. Though I will have my full rights back to each. I also get to keep some of the covers. I don't know what I'm doing with them yet though. Yes, I can self publish them, but that's a lot of effort that I could be putting towards other things. I'm still thinking. 

A few years ago, I had an idea while on vacation. It was definitely not typical of what I usually write. It was a story about the struggles, love, and life of a couple that met when they were teenagers and are now at the end of their lives. That's the Old Man story. Then, I wrote about an older woman re-finding her first love. The Old Lady story, which is what I'm currently editing. And now I have at least four other ideas for these types of stories. 

So that's what I'm doing at the moment. It's a very different direction and I find I'm super comfortable with it. I still love the post apocalyptic stuff and can't say I'd never write another one, but for now I'm writing what I guess you could call "family saga" or just women's fiction. 

And there you have it...


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Feel Good Friday on Saturday

 Yay for Saturday! 

Here's what's good. 

1. Sleeping in this morning! It was much needed after a really bad night of sleep Thursday night. 

2. Living through the work week. It was a rough one. 

3. Fall being here! Finally!

4. Getting stuff organized. 

5. Having most of my weekend chores done already.

6. Moving on to editing the Old Lady story. 

7. Lots of stuff going on, but feeling like I have a handle on things. 

And that's about it!


Friday, September 13, 2024

Feel Good Friday

Yay for Friday! It has been an insanely long week! 

Here's the list: 

1. Managing to make it through the work week despite crappy sleep and overburdened schedules. 

2. Ticking off a few big things from the "to do" list. 

3. That Man's truck running again. 

4. Plans tonight to meet friends for dinner. We used to be neighbors and we saw each other every day. We talked on the phone every day even though we lived a yard apart. Our kids grew up together. H*ll, we grew up together. They moved away and we miss them. So we're meeting them for dinner tonight, which should be a blast. 

5. Saturday plans. They are necessary and organizational, but they should still be fun. Even though there is no food plan at this point.

6. Having the boys on Sunday. We have a surprise for Little B. After him riding my great niece's bike at camp, we managed to find him his own bike. He has no idea. And I can't wait to hear how school is going for both. 

7. This is not feel good, but waking up this morning to find unauthorized charges on my debit card. What a freaking pain! And what the h*ll is wrong with people? It's being resolved, but it has created a bunch of frustration for me. 

8. Finding time to write this week even though it was short and spotty. I'm getting there. 

That is all! 


Thursday, September 05, 2024

Oh Hi, September!

Yay for fall! I mean, it's not really fall yet, but it's coming! 

We had a good time at camp. We had both grandboys all weekend. We were tired--well, tired is an understatement. Little B did pretty good, especially since it was his first time at camp without his parents. And it was his first time away from home for that long. And no, he did not eat marshmallows all weekend. More like chicken nuggets. Ha! I took my little air fryer, and it was the best decision. 

The other big news is that my publisher is closing down. It was a shock. A very sad shock. I've been with them for ten years. I absolutely love my editor. I've learned so much from her and really enjoyed talking with her. It's going to be weird going forward. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my backlist yet, but I'll likely self publish them. I'm working on my plan. 

In the meantime, I am finishing the Old Man story. I've gone through all of my critiques and now just have my own notes and then a final read through. I also have the Chaos book to figure out what to do with. 

I'll get there. 

That is all. 


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekend Wrap Up!

I know it's been a while. The month is almost over! No excuses!

So what's been going on? 

Ha! Pretty much the same chaos as usual. 

Chaos is submitted and the Old Man story has been critiqued and is waiting for me to input the changes. I have two critiques to do first though, but I hope to get to it quickly. And then I have three ideas to write and another story of mine to edit(actually two more, but...). I'm getting there though. It really felt good to finish two books so close together. 

Camp is coming up! We'll have both grandsons for the weekend. It'll be Little B's first time for more than one night. The only thing he'll tell me he wants to eat is marshmallows, so this should be interesting. Ha! Most of the family will be camping, so it should be a good weekend. I still have no idea what to make for the picnic, but I guess I'll figure it out soon. I'm hoping the weekend will be cooler than this week is supposed to be! 

Nothing else new here... the day job is busy with no signs of slowing down. We had an epic company wide kickball game a few weeks ago and it was an absolute blast. Next up is planning for the Christmas party, and then my boss's retirement party...along with everything else. At least I'm not alone in the party planning. There are three of us to get stuff done. 

And that is all... Sunday is winding down, which means Monday comes too soon. Boo! 
