
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Mid-September Already!

Sorry for the silence! It's been a super busy few weeks and I haven't gotten anything done writing-wise. 

Our niece got married last Saturday. It was a beautiful day and we had an awesome time. The niece was in my care since from newborn until elementary school. She's like one of our own and we still have a very close relationship. We were included in pretty much every aspect of the wedding planning, down to That Man performing the ceremony. The K's were all in the wedding, including the boys spouses, so that was pretty cool. 

We spent the week before the wedding at my sister's helping to get ready. Lordy, it was a lot of work! We hauled our RV to my sister's side yard and while we worked our butts off, we did have a blast. Though physically, we're still recovering. Ha! 

Between family and close friends, it was definitely a day full of smiles and laughs. Friends who moved across country over five years ago came in for the wedding and it was so awesome to see them. We caught up and laughed. It was like no time had passed.  

We got home on Monday after helping to disassemble the wedding stuff. Well, there was still a lot to do when we left, but it was more manageable. Back to the day job on Tuesday, which was insane and still is. 

Hopefully I can get back to writing now! 

That is all! 


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