
Friday, March 22, 2024

Feel Good Friday

Yay! I am in my comfy pants and ready to spend the evening relaxing!

Here's the list:

1. Going to dinner with J, Mr. B, & Little B for J's birthday. We had a nice time, except J and I both got sick overnight. Some kind of food poisoning--has to be. We had items no one else did, so... Also, they had to remake Mr. B's burger, because they didn't listen to his request, and they charged us for both. Stopped in there and talked to the manager. He gave us some gift cards, though I can't say I'm eager to use them. Ha! I am feeling better, but still kind of weak and yucky. 

2. I didn't get much writing done this week because it's been crazy, but I'm heading there as soon as dinner is done. 

3. We have the boys overnight tomorrow so their mom and dad can have some alone time. We're going to color eggs, which is something we haven't done in ages. Our great-niece is going to come too! Should be a riot! 

4. Taxes are completely complete. I hated writing that check, but I'm glad it's done. 

5. Looking forward to Easter! I have my frozen potato cubes to make potato casserole! Last year no store had them, so i grabbed them when I saw them. 

6. Upcoming plans! Though the calendar is crazy! It's all good and everything will be fine. 

That is all... I'm thinking about taking another social media break here soon. 


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