
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

I Suck!

I didn't mean for so much time to pass. It's just... life, I guess. 

It's been kinda crazy. Well, normal for around here. 

We went to the Wilds for the holiday weekend. It was a blast. My kids were there together for the first time in years! We had Little B in the camper with us and he did really well, except for being too excited to fall asleep at first. But once he settled, he slept well and he slept in. Then, just as we were preparing dinner Saturday night, the wind started, blowing pollen and making us all cough and sneeze. Then the rain. A lot of rain. It finally stopped, we finished dinner and got the clean up done before it started to rain again. The rain was fine. The mud was not. The grandboys parents went home and Mr. B stayed with us. And since it was supposed to continue to rain later Sunday into Monday, we packed up and came home after the picnic. And then it didn't rain. But it was fine. It was nice to be back home and have time to get stuff done before heading back to the day job. 

Since then it's been day job, stuff, more stuff...

I'm almost done with my book and it will be done by this time next week, because... I'm going on retreat! I am looking forward to it a whole lot! My original plan was to finish before I got there, but that's not going to happen (see above about stuff). I'm close, so I will finish and likely get through my critiques on section three and edits on the last section. I have no idea what I'll do after that. We'll see. 

And that is it for now! 


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