
Thursday, August 08, 2024

Feel Good Friday on Thursday!

Yes, we're mixing things up a bit over here! Ha!

I just happen to be off from the day job today, so I figured I'd stop by and say hi!

I've been busy... washed the sheets and remade the bed, ran the vacuum, made a birthday cake for work tomorrow, and I have done a whole bunch of editing. 

But I'm also waiting for both the gas company and the water company to come and do whatever it is they need to do with our meters. That's why I took a vacation day today. That and I needed a mental health day. 

So here's the list:

1. Going back to bed this morning. I got up with That Man and after he left and the dog went potty, I crawled back in. That was nice. 

2. Being super close to the end of this book. I need to add some words, but the amount is dwindling. 

3. The quiet. I have had a few work related things pop up, but I knew the day was going to be like that and it's fine. 

4. Getting the laundry done. I mean, I would have done it tonight if it was a regular week, but it's nice that I don't have to now. 

5. Wearing a sweatshirt! Yeah, I have shorts on, but still. The fact that it's cooled off this much makes me happy. I even had socks on earlier and I shut the air conditioning off. 

That's all for now! 


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