
Friday, January 26, 2018

Feel Good Friday

Let's hit the high spots, shall we?

1. It's Friday! Duh! What a long, long week. I swear all we did was run around until late after work hours for the second half of the week. And the Day Job! Oy! Super busy Wednesday, Thursday, and today. No matter how fast I worked, I couldn't dig myself out. It didn't help that my phone did not stop ringing with fires to put out and more things to do.

2. K4's Mid-Year performance. She didn't want me to invite anyone to see it because she was sure it was going to be a train wreck. They didn't start rehearsing until the week before. There was a lot of drama, and not the good kind, during their rehearsals which left her in tears and in a bad mood. And we won't talk about the scramble for props and costumes.

The show was really good though. She did awesome. She has such a strong stage presence and doesn't even need the mic. (surprised? ha ha) The rest of the show was good, too, but it was super long. Three hours in auditorium seats with a ten minute break three-quarters of the way through, with a woman who coughed throughout the entire performance behind us. (That was rough) And a woman in front of us who, for some reason, believed I was the cougher and kept shooting me dirty looks...

We got home late. K4 got home even later since we left her car for her, knowing she'd have to run the props back to school. She was super exhausted.

3. That Man cooking dinner tonight. Open-faced turkey sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy. How awesome is that?

4. Finally getting some laundry done. (see #1). There are a lot of household things that need to be done this weekend. We'll see how many actually get done. Ha! (yeah, I'm kind of okay with having a few Christmas items still out, even though it's been a month.)

5. Sleeping in tomorrow. Yes! I'm already in bed - watching the Pirates and getting stuff done. My head and feet hurt. I'm stuffy and my throat is kind of raw. I'm kind of scared because the stomach flu is going around the office and then... coughing woman for three hours.

6. Bills are paid. Grocery list is in process. House is in semi-decent shape. Writing is commencing.

7. Fun Day at work. We had silly fun - played a rousing game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I made it to the final round and then forgot my strategy because I was laughing so hard and lost. We all brought pictures in of either us as children, our parents, or pets. That was fun, but hard, to guess. I got 10 out of 17 and there were at least four that I kicked myself for. We also brought food in, well, some of us. Most forgot, which sucks when a just few put a lot of effort into it. There was also the option to make paperclip and post it note art. I ran out of time because I was buried in work. The funniest thing was the organizers entire work space getting covered in post it notes while she ran an errand. Hysterical.

8. Very minimal weekend plans. (see#4)

That is all. The writing is commencing.


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