
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Still With the Plague...

And, so far, I am still unaffected... Yee haw!

That Man is still rough. He tried going to work today, but they kicked him out and he was home shortly after lunch. K4 was home again. She's still super rough. Fever, horrible cough, and miserable. If she's still feverish tomorrow, I'll have to call the doctor again. Hopefully this predicted snow really happens so she's gets a "free" day to rest and recover. K1 has fallen. He's currently moaning in between sleeping. Yay. My hands are rough and raw from all of the hand washing. Every surface of this house has been scrubbed repeatedly. Work people are afraid of me though I have no symptoms, except the headache - which comes and goes.

I'm watching the movie "Contagion", which is probably not the best choice given the state of my house, but still pretty interesting. Slow, but interesting. I play a game similar to this, so it's kind of cool to see it in movie form. Anyway.

So, it's snowing. We're supposed to get a lot. I think. I don't know. It's hard to know. Last time they called for a bunch, it was a ridiculous disappointment. So far, nothing in our area has closed or delayed yet.

The worst thing about today is that someone stole a crap ton of money from our bank account. I woke up and checked the bank like I do every morning and had a heart attack. I had checked it after my grocery store trip last night and everything was as it should be. Not so much this morning. My card was compromised. Big Time. Someone bought a very very expensive mattress and spent a super ridiculous amount of money at a cell phone store. I called the bank as soon as they opened. They closed my card right away. That Man stopped at the bank to start the fraud paperwork, but since it was my card and I'm the primary on the account, I had to leave work early to sign the forms. Then I had to go to the police station to file a report. The bank insisted since it was so much money. So it's a bunch of crap. The bank will investigate and I have to wait 7-10 days to get my money back. Ugh! And let me tell you, it's inconvenient as hell. I did get a new debit card, which is good, but actually kind of worthless, too.

I'm just angry as hell though. The police will investigate, too, but he said there is probably not much they can do unless we can figure out the cell phone charges and get a location so they can run the security footage. Still he was helpful and understanding. He waited for me outside of the station since the doors were locked. The bank said not to think to hard about how it happened or you'll wreck your brain. WTF is wrong with people that they think it's okay to do something like this? Asshats! I do love my bank though. They are so supportive and helpful. They assured me, many times, that everything is going to be okay and talked me through everything and let me rant a bit. But we're pretty screwed at the moment.

So... Happy Tuesday! Oy! This week is shaping up to be stellar! Ugh!


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