
Friday, November 04, 2022

Feel Good Friday - The Gone Too Long Edition

Sorry for the silence! It's been a little crazy! 

Let's get to the list, okay?

1. Friday! It's been a rough week. Not just this week, but the prior weeks as well. Work has been crazy with changing of job duties and learning new things for me and regular insanity for That Man. We also had the crud here. Tested negative for the big C more than once. The flu probably. It was pretty gross and rough around here. K4 missed almost an entire week of work. I missed time, too. But we're better now except for a lingering cough. 

2. A new book! Yeah, I know I haven't completely finished the one that's already finished and currently in rewrites, but I got this crazy idea and I couldn't do anything but write it. I'm about a quarter way through it and the words are coming really easy. I love it. I haven't had a moment of doubt about it since I got the idea and the words have been flowing. 

3. Trick or Treat night was kind of lame here. It was a rainy night. We didn't have a lot of trick or treaters--probably half of what we had last year. And only one puppy! Last year we had so many! In the past, our house has been used as a base for friends and family trick or treating or just visiting to hang out and hand out candy. This year was probably the first time in ages (excluding the past few Covid years) where we didn't have that. It's kind of sad and kind of not. It was really nice to sit on the porch with That Man and chill while we waited for the costumed ones. 

4. The weather has been really nice this week. It's been my perfect temperatures. I can wear a sweatshirt and have the windows down. Cold is coming though... But I am excited for snow. Like stupid excited! 

5. Our youngest son is getting married next weekend. It will be a super small thing--like immediate family and their best friends only. I'm sad that my siblings, nieces and nephews, and mutual friends can't come, but I get that weddings are expensive and that sometimes smaller is far better for the bride. We're helping as much as we can to ease the stress and take care of things.

6. Next weekend is going to be insane for us though. The owner of our company passed away. It was expected, but still rough. He was a great guy and will be missed terribly. The funeral is the Friday before the wedding. Work is closed for the day. We were invited to the luncheon afterwards, and of course, we're going. So we'll go directly from the funeral to the rehearsal, and hope that we have enough time to do everything we need to do and get there on time. I still don't have a shirt or shoes. That Man needs to try on his clothes and find shoes. K4 is in the same boat. It will all get done for sure and it will be awesome. 

7. We have a lot of birthdays this month! Well, starting last month with K3. Then my brother-in-law, our adopted sister, my brother, my niece, and my niece. We used to have a family birthday party for everyone, but that kind of fell by the wayside. It would be fun to bring that back. 

8. Okay... I will admit that I'm excited to decorate for Christmas. But I will wait until after Thanksgiving. There's no shame in making plans though, right? 

And that is all! I will try to post, but please forgive me if I don't! I promise I will be back!


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