
Friday, May 10, 2024

Feel Good Friday

What is up with all of this rain? I feel like I'm growing moss... Ha!

It's been a really long week! 

Here's the list of Feel Good's:

1. Making progress on the book. I am 3/4 written and almost 1/2 edited. The goal is to input the critiques on section two, edit section three and send out and then plow through the final pages. Got a little stuck on section three, but I think I managed to make it make sense. We'll see what my crit partners say. 

2. Retreat coming up in a few weeks. I want this book as close to done or completely done before then so I can work on other things. Still haven't decided what yet, but it'll probably be deep edits on two other finished projects. Maybe. 

3. Sleeping in tomorrow. Sleep has sucked lately. Though it's going to be a busy day starting at like 11am. Good stuff planned, but lots of running. 

4. Winning a gift card at work for knowing our company values. That'll get me some more flowers!

That is all! 


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