
Monday, May 13, 2024

Weekend Wrap Up

Oy! It's Monday again! Monday showed up too quickly and I don't like it. I definitely could have used another weekend day and some more sleep! 

It was a crazy weekend! 

A guy from work gave us some flowers, so on a whim and in the drizzle Saturday morning, we decided to plant them. Which meant clearing out the spot--removing a small tree and some vines. It took a little longer than we thought, but we got them in the ground and it looks nice. 

Then off to B's soccer game, which was good, except for the bathroom being six-hundred and fifty-two miles away. Ha! From there, food and flower shopping. 

Back home for a hot minute, and then off to a surprise birthday party for a former coworker. It was a lot of fun and it was so good to see some of my previous coworkers. We hadn't planned on staying long, but then we did. 

I did sleep in Sunday. K4 made me a german pancake for breakfast and it was so good. My boys and families came over for kebabs and hang out and it was fantastic. Lots of talking, eating, and laughing. It was a good day. I managed to get some editing done before everyone showed up and I'm making good progress with it. 

I'm tired today though. We have another busy weekend coming up, but thankfully, the week itself doesn't look too crazy. 

And that is all!


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