
Monday, May 04, 2020

Happy May the Fourth...

...and we're still "sheltering at home".  We're at what 45 days now? At least for us.

Our industry began again today. They are well-equipped with safety gear and regulations. That Man had to be at the office early this morning to get everyone to sign off and recognize the safety supplies. The rest of us office people are still at home and will be for the foreseeable future.

I need my office space and hope to have it soon. I am done with the "coziness" of having my work station in my dining room. I want that space back. I want to be able to eat a meal at my table and I want the cats to leave me alone during my work day. Stealing pens, papers, chewing on stuff, and trying to remove my bank fob are unacceptable. And the hair! I brought a can of compressed air home the other day. We have so much fur in all of our stuff it was a necessity. Well, the first time I used it, it scared the bejeezus out of all of them. And then I did it again because I thought I was funny. I went to use it today because there is just so freaking much hair every-freaking-where and I discovered that they (the cats) had chewed the tube-thingy and it no longer worked. Ha! I just need an office chair and K4 to do some clean up in my office (her old room) and I'm good to go. Hopefully this time next week, I will be in there, despite it not being completely done.

It was a super nice weekend and I was so thankful! We worked on scraping the peeling paint from our front porch so we can paint. It's a terrible, terrible chore and despite doing very little scraping yesterday, I am still hurting. I did, however, do a lot - just not that - laundry, cleaning, making mac salad (thanks to my sister-in-law for the formula), making pickled eggs, etc. That Man, however, worked three times as much as I did on it yesterday and he is even more hurty. I also repotted a few plants and got some flowers taken care of. I need flowers though! And it's ticking me off that I can't get them right now!

We never got any alligators and The Wilds survived the flooding. Still waiting on word about camping. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

So now we have "Murder Hornets"!!?? What the crap is that? I looked them up. They are ridiculous! Who needs them at all? My only hope is that people don't see the cicada killer bees and think they are murder hornets. The cicada killers always live in my patio. They are non-confrontational and are cool to watch. They grab their cicada's and go back into their holes (we imagine a hobbit-like system underground, but that might just be a little silly). They are huge and scary looking though.

I did write tonight! I am so happy! It's been at least a week, if not longer. I hit a dead zone again, which is, I guess, normal right now, but not writing does not make me feel better about anything. I cut off at a point that makes me excited to get back to it and I'm not too far from the end, so there's that.

I also talked to two out of three siblings tonight, which is good stuff.  I mean, my brother butt dialed me, but we had been texting previously, so we talked anyway. Good stuff. I miss them all and can't wait until we can hang out together again. I also got hysterical videos of Little Mr. B. That kid is a freaking riot and I'm sure he's plotting to take over the world. I miss my boys!

That's all I have!


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