
Monday, August 08, 2022

Catching Up... Again... Again...

Man! It is hot! It's been hot and we have at least one more day of holy hotness to get through! It's brutal and I know we're all feeling it. 

Thankfully there is air conditioning in most of the places we go. Not like when I was a kid and slept on the second floor with just an open window. We didn't even have a fan. When it was this hot though, we usually slept in the living room, with the fan, but it was still hard to not sweat to death. I know I'm not the only one that grew up like that. Air conditioning was a luxury that most couldn't afford, so we did what we had to do. 

The worse place for me currently is my office at the day job. It's fine in the morning, but by noon, the temperature starts to become unbearable and it feels like a convection oven. I'm at the end of the air conditioning chain and there isn't a lot that can be done about it except to add another unit, which I said no to because then I will be freezing to death. I do have a fan which is positioned in a way to pull the cool air from the hall. It works a little. It is what it is. 


I got print copies of Prophecy! They are so pretty and I'm thrilled! They came far earlier than I'd been told to expect them. I didn't think I'd have them until my October signing, but I will have them for my signing in two weeks, which is awesome!

Oh yeah! I'll be at the book store on the 20th! It should be fun. And chaos! 

Other than that... 

Thursday night a huge tree branch fell in our backyard from the neighbor's lightning struck tree. It broke our fence and our porch swing and generally made a mess. By Friday evening, we had it taken care of. Which was good. The fence is still a mess, but it's going to stay that way for a bit. We don't have time and lumber prices are still too high. 

We helped my brother and sister-in-law get their camper fixed. Well, That Man helped. I hung out with my sister-in-law, niece, and great niece. And we had awesome food. It was a good day and hopefully they will get to camp with us again. 

This weekend is a family reunion for That Man's family. It should be good, but we have a lot to do to get ready for it. 

And that's about it. I mean, it's not because I know I missed tons of stuff, but it's probably mostly boring. Ha! 

Stay cool! Fall is coming soon! Yay!


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