
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Scary Stuff...

We had a pretty big scare the other night...

Around midnight, K4 kicks our door open screaming "fire"! We run up to her room, and sure enough, an electrical cord had shorted out and started a fire. (Apparently extension cords can do that randomly. Scary!) There was nothing turned on that was plugged into the cord either. 

Luckily, she did all of the right things and stopped what could have been completely devastating. As it was, the wood floor had a hole burned almost through, and the smoke was toxic and thick. 

If she hadn't heard the sizzle and pop, or if she wasn't home, we would have had a much different outcome. 

It was completely freaky. We all tried to sleep in the living room after because there was no way any of us were even sleeping anyway and there was no way she could sleep in her room. We checked and double-checked and made sure every single smoke detector we own worked (they did), but every noise had us all on edge. 

Just below where the fire started is where we opened the top of our closet and made a very deep and wide book shelf. Had the fire burned through any farther, and that would have gone up like a dry Christmas tree. 

It was scary! Still is, but the burned area cleaned up okay and the smell is gone. She's back to sleeping in her room and we're checking all of the cords. 

I know time helps with stuff like this, but I hate it. 


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