
Friday, October 11, 2019

Feel Good Friday!


It was a helluva week! Bad doesn't even begin to describe it. Day Job... Oy... There were good moments, but most of it was like fighting through quicksand. I am fighting for my new hire. She's struggling to get things, but I see her blossoming and learning and I will not allow them to let her go until she's been given a fair shake. I know she can do this and I know she will be excellent at it. I have spent most of the last two days, even with being swamped from vacation, training her, and I will continue to do so.

I have been writing. I will not say I've been writing good words, but they are still words.

That Man and I went out to dinner tonight. Not where we wanted to go, but a regular place for us. The food was good, but the air conditioning was cranked up super high and I was freezing. We wanted to go to a new place near us - well, the place isn't new, but the ownership is. We've heard great things about it and it's only two blocks from our house. As we pulled into the parking lot, we heard that the wait was super lengthy so we moved on. We'll get there soon.

Tomorrow we are hopefully doing a Jeep thing with my brother. But we also have an appointment to go car shopping. We're replacing our CRV. We're not in a hurry, but we kind of are too. We will be at the Jeep event either early or late.

And that is all for now... Hopefully I will be back at some point before Monday!


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