
Monday, December 27, 2021

Post Christmas Update!

Sorry I fell off the face of the earth! 

It has been crazy around here! 

Let me sum up! Ha!

We did have K5 the following weekend and did get to see family! We had an amazing time watching Disney movies, eating, drinking coffee, and laughing about everything. K5 got to hang with her little cousin and we got to hang with a few of the siblings! It was really good! 

Then we had to shop, wrap, clean, shop, wrap... Oh and work the day job. But by the time Christmas Eve came around, we were ready to go! Hysterical Dirty Santa exchange. Awesome Christmas Story reading. Lot's of good food. Surprise presents. Lot's of talking. It was good. 

Christmas Morning rolled around far earlier than I expected. I knew That Man and I would get up early, but I did not expect K4 to get up at 6:30am. (She works a late shift, so usually doesn't get up until like 10am) It was good though. We took our time with the presents, made awesome coffee, and an awesome breakfast. Cracked open the champagne for mimosas and settled in to watch a movie and nap. K3 and A got here, partook of mimosas and also settled in to nap. Then I got a call from J. We talked for a long time and then hung up. Not more than five minutes later, she's calling me back to tell me they are coming over! 

They had Covid a few weeks ago. They were being cautious as they have been since the pandemic started. Understandable. But then realized they were actually good to go and so are we all here. So... for the first time in months, they came over. It was so good. I won't lie, I cried. I have missed them so much. Little Mr. B is a hoot and kept me on my toes! He has the funniest "crab dance"!

Sunday was coma day. We stayed in our jammies and napped and watched movies. We only ate leftovers and did nothing except for a load of laundry and take the dog out to pee. It was good. 

Today was back to the day job. That Man and I and maybe two other people were in the office. All of our vendors are closed, so I got zero emails all day. And it will be that way all week. Luckily we only have to work until Thursday afternoon. But it snowed! And that was awesome! 

New Year's Eve is coming. We're going super low key this year. It's just going to be five of us old people and three dogs. I don't think I can do New Year's Eve chaos anymore! Ha! Though we have had some epic times in the past! 

And that's about it! Except I got my next round of edits. I actually got them a week ago, but my editor doesn't expect them back anytime soon, so I am not starting them yet. But I will probably tomorrow after my online evening meeting We'll see. I did read through them and most of the changes are pretty easy - just a sentence or two. Others I will have to think about. 

That is all!

Year in Review coming soon! (Like it won't be boring! Ha!) 

Enjoy your celebrations!


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