
Thursday, January 06, 2022

Post New Year Post...

Yeah, I'm lame. Sorry for not getting on here sooner. It's been a little crazy...

So let's back up a bit...

New Year's Eve was good. Just five people and three dogs. We talked and laughed. Ate some good food. Talked about how sad we are that Betty White passed away. 

New Year's Day was also good. We took a walk in the woods, in the rain, to check out this old truck That Man had seen through the trees. It was cool, but too far gone for restoration. But there's another one there that isn't in terrible shape, so we'll see... As we were walking we were making up our own "getting lost in the woods" stories. It was awesome. 

The kids came up for dinner. It was chaos, but fun. Got to hang with the grandboys and do our traditional LOTR watching. We got home early evening and continued the movie. Went to bed pretty early. Sunday was laundry and the usual Sunday stuff. 

Back to the day job on Monday. And then Tuesday we were told to go back home to work. We have several positive cases at work and within people we know. I stayed the day because That Man can't work from home and it made no sense to do multiple trips. Got set up when we got home and so far so good. Except my office heater died. 

Now I'm adjusting to working at home again. The dog is ecstatic. The cats just want to come into my office and eat my plants. I have another week after this one at this point, but we'll see if that changes or not.

I don't know if I'll do a "year in review" or not. Seriously not much happened this year. 


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