
Friday, January 14, 2022

Feel Good Friday

What a long week! 

Let's just hit the list, okay?

1. Getting an additional day to stay home. We're expecting snow Sunday into Monday, so we were told just to come back to the office on Tuesday instead. Nice. 

2. The shopping being done already. No going out and interacting with the "bread, eggs, & milk" crowd. I ran out at lunch today to get tomatoes and avocadoes and the store was absolutely insane. 

3. My brain seeming to be working when it comes to writing. I've hit decent numbers every day since our 50/50 started. I'm trying really hard not to push myself and burn out my cells. Ha!

4. Upcoming plans to have the older two grandchildren for the weekend! They haven't seen each other in a very long time. We're trying to surprise both of them, but we'll see. 

5. Snow in the forecast! Yay! Of course because I want it so much, we'll get nothing. 

6. Registering for our yearly Jeep event. Now all I have to do is pick a hotel and reserve it. But it's exciting!

7. Light weekend plans. We're doing some house stuff and not much else. And I like it that way. We might take the Santa stuff off of the porch, but we'll see...

8. Fun stuff coming up. We've got a wedding, family coming in from out of town, and then That Man and I have a little trip planned. 

That's about it! 


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