
Sunday, January 09, 2022

Weekend Wrap Up...

I know we're only halfway through Sunday, but the rest of my day will be spent napping and relaxing, with a little bit of laundry thrown in there for good measure!

My edits are done and sent back! Whooot! That's a huge relief! I am taking off the next two days. On Wednesday, my little writing group will start our 50 words a day for 50 days challenge. I need to be back up to speed with my current work in progress before then. 

Christmas is gone from this house. Well, mostly. The porch is still decorated, but it's too cold to do that now. And today it's freezing rain. As beautiful as the decorations were and how much I wanted to keep them up, it's good they're down. I like the extra space. 

Tomorrow is back to the day job. The best part of that is that I don't have to get dressed or go out in the cold. Ha! I'm due to go back to the office next Monday. The only way that will change is if we have more cases. So we'll see. 

This week should be quiet around here. Our original plans were cancelled temporarily. But we'll see what happens...

That's all I have for now. 


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