
Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Sorry for the long silence! 

Now we're halfway through February! How does that happen? I mean, I know how it happens, but still! Time is flying!

So what's been going on? 

1. I finished the novella! Yay! It's going for critiquing very soon. 

2. The annual booksigning at the greenhouse happened this past weekend. Always a lot of fun! I sold a few books, got to see my writing friends, and my sister and bestie came out to support me. 

3. Normal day job craziness. It's all good. Nothing too stressful or insane. 

4. Getting to hang with the grand boys. They are fun and definitely wear us out, but it's so worth it! 

5. Writing retreat commencing in just two days! It's been a minute since I've been to one. I'm looking forward to it! (This is why I haven't sent my novella to my critique partners. Retreats are for doing your own stuff, not critiquing someone else's work) I plan to start a new story while there, and then I will try to balance edits with new writing. 

6. Looking forward to warmer weather. I mean, I know it's pretty danged warm for February right now. Since it doesn't appear we're going to get any significant snow, it's time for Spring! We're trying to figure out our vegetable garden situation. The squirrels ate ALL of our tomatoes last year, so I don't think we'll be planting them this year. Also, the little peckers dug up my rosemary bush that I've had for three years. We'll probably end up with a lot of peppers of all varieties and some herbs. I'm sad about no tomatoes, but it's not worth the frustration. I tried everything to keep them off the plants last year and nothing worked. 

I think that's about it!


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