
Monday, March 06, 2023

It's Monday...And I'm Tired...

Oy, Monday! 

I definitely could have used one more weekend day! 

Little B was a hoot on Saturday. We made brownies, played with magnetic blocks, and made nine-hundred and fifty six trips to the bathroom. (Ha!) He helped water plants, and wash dishes. He really wanted to go outside and ride bikes, but it was just too cold and windy for that. 

Then our friends came over, which was really nice. Dinner turned out well and we had a good time talking and laughing. 

Sunday's plans were waylaid by our niece and future nephew's sewer pipe breakage. We went over to help. Well, That Man helped. I heckled. But it got fixed. No mega store happened. When we got home I took a long and hard nap and I'm still freaking exhausted. 

But I got to see K1 for a bit and I talked to K3 on the phone when he got off work, so there's that bit of goodness. 

Tonight, however, it's mega store time. Ugh. But very necessary since there is no laundry soap or coffee. 

At this point, our weekend coming up is looking quiet, but it's too soon to tell yet. 

I got through quite a bit of edits on Friday night, but haven't had the time to sit down and work on it since, so that has to happen this week. I'm so close to being done! 

That is all...


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