
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Hump Day...What?

Today was probably one of the most unproductive days I've had since working from home...

I did get a lot of work done, but not nearly as much as I could have. Not nearly.

The server went down an uncountable amount of times. Then, just when we got back in around lunchtime, we were told to get out again right after lunchtime because one of the hard drives had fried. Then we were able to get back in.... and then the accounting software program failed and had to be rebooted, which took nearly the rest of the day...

My boss called during all of this to ask me to fix a problem. I couldn't do the research and have the documentation I needed. I couldn't even see his original email regarding it. I did manage to find an old print out that had part of the problem listed and began to take care of it from there. Now I just wait for him to respond... That wasn't fun. (and it wasn't a problem of my doing or within my control)

Then my buddy Fat Freddy started to feel insecure and decided that trying to open my office door and crying at the top of his lungs was the right thing to do. Nuisance! I had to go out and pet him and pay attention to him to get him to stop... I almost wonder if it's better to just let the cats into the office. But then... no...

It sucked.

They say Mercury in Retrograde will cause this. I'm not sure I believe that 100%, but WTF Mercury. Why do you have to mess with my work day? Jerk!

I miss That Man working from home with me. My days are too quiet. Though we could go hours without speaking directly to each other... It's still too quiet. I listen to music. It's still too quiet. I have the dog in the office with me. She snores. I take breaks. It confuses the dog, and she still snores. And it's still too quiet.


We talk on the phone several times a day though. Today we Face-timed at the end of the day so I could tell him how to clear out the credit card machine. (the regular guy is on vacation) That call was hysterical because his left is my right and... ha!

I have more, but that's enough for tonight....


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