
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Working From Home Survival Journal: Day Four

The theme song today is "Cat in the box". Actually, everything is a theme song.

The human coworker and I are a little loopy today. We've already consumed one pot of strong caffeinated beverage and are encouraging the caffeine maker to hurry and finish making the second.

We are both incessantly talking to ourselves, our computers, our papers.

The non-human coworkers are on edge. The big one is still following me everywhere I go. To the sink. To the pantry. Like these are four steps away from each other. I'm going to fall and break my neck soon.

The other ones are fidgety and each of our movement makes them jump and run. Our boxes continue to be a source of interest for them. The big one is growly at the small ones.

Yesterday, we had a small reprieve from our designated working space. We had to go to the building that houses our offices. I needed to grab my mail and work order folder, and he was on a special mission. It was odd to be out and about. I even showered and put real pants on. The upside is that they still fit.

We had other missions to complete for the corporation, which meant going to places that sell things. That was also strange. My human coworker is currently making a trip into the corporation. It's very odd being in our workspace alone. The spawn human coworker is still sleeping. She was still up at 5am when her patriarch coworker awakened.

So... this just happened... My big glass mixing bowl was on a towel on the sideboard. Drying. One of the feline coworkers decided it would be a grand idea to jump up there. Well, she missed and reached out with her claws, hooking the towel and bringing my bowl crashing to the floor. In a million pieces. There was glass from one end of the workspace to the other. It was not pleasant and now I'm out of the bowl I seriously use constantly. Pssh.

That is all.


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