
Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Post of 2007

I gotta say I hope 2008 is way better than 2007.
That's not to say 2007 didn't have its highlights and good things, but for the most part we spent the year battling Murphy and his stupid laws. We did mark milestones in our children's lives, which are good, but sad at the same time. They're growing up and while I look forward to what the future holds for them, I miss their baby faces.
I don't make resolutions, only writing related goals. And I haven't gotten that far yet. I am thinking about it. I know January will be spent getting organized, taking care of a few projects that need different things, and figuring things out.
I do have to say even though the past few weeks have been a blast, and a blur, I'm ready to get back to normal life around here. The kids go back to school Wednesday, but I'm sure it'll take us until next week to catch and rest up. First we have to do the new year thing, which is at my sisters and will include much obnoxiousness and hilarity.
My wish is that dreams come true this year. For me and for you.
(remember, it's usually not worth it in the harsh, loud light of the morning after) (ha ha) (no, seriously.) :)

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