
Thursday, March 20, 2025

It's Thursday!

And it's the first day of spring! 

We've been doing little bits of yard stuff all week. It's been so nice outside! We transplanted a few of the heartier plants and cut down the dried ornamental grasses. And, since the parts finally came in, starting to dismantle the wreckage from my Jeep so we can repair her. It's going to take a minute so I don't know if it'll be back on the road this summer or not. We'll see... 

We have a huge list of things to get done this summer. Last summer ended up being a wash for health reasons and it sucks. But we'll get there. 

I'm managing pretty good these days. Still some muscular pain, but it's not constant. Some stiffness, which is normal. I'm still pretty weak with that leg, so I'm working on it. And trying really hard to give myself grace when I get tired sooner than I used to or forget something. This healing is a process on many levels. 

That's about it. We have a crazy weekend coming up with grandboys, soccer games, and house stuff. The weather isn't supposed to be as awesome as it's been the last few days, but I'm hoping it's better than they say. 


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Feel Good Friday on Saturday

I'm cold! I thought it was going to be a nice day today, but while it's not freezing and snowing, it's still chilly and raining. 

Anyway. Here's the list:

1. Sleeping in a little this morning. 

2. Cozy evenings with That Man. 

3. Backyard plans. 

4. Living through the work week. 

5. Getting writing done this week. 

6. Getting my mess of a pantry cleaned out. 

That's about it. I need a nap. 


Thursday, March 13, 2025

This Day...

My day started with me dropping my clean socks into the toilet. The toilet that was not clean. (well, it wasn't utterly disgusting, just not flushed)

Then, I went to pay a parking ticket for work and paid the wrong municipality. Though in my defense, I googled the correct one, but I clicked on the wrong link. It got worked out quickly, but I feel like a noob. The names were very very close. 

I've been submitting a lot of queries for the old man story. Got a rejection today, so that sucks. To be honest, I've probably gotten a rejection each day this week. 

I'm kind of afraid to see what else happens. 

But on the upside, I've written a bunch this week. Monday I did some on the old lady story, and yesterday and today have been a different project that I'm not 100% sure of yet. I like it so far. But yay... that's something! 

Tomorrow is Friday, which is also upside. 

The weather has been pretty decent and it's lighter longer, which barely begins to make up for the missing hour. 

That is all...


Monday, March 10, 2025

Weekend Wrap Up

Well, it's Monday again. Sigh.

And we moved the clocks ahead. Sigh. 

I'm tired this morning. It took everything I had to crawl out of bed. Why is it that Monday ends up being the morning you could really sleep in? 

So in reality, there's isn't much to report from the weekend. I didn't get any writing done. 

I did get to see K3 and A, which was awesome. 

I did sleep in a tiny bit on Saturday. We did a lot of chores. 

That's all I have to report. 

The promise of beautiful weather is out there. The only upside of the time change is that it's lighter later, which is good. Soon it will be time for plants. 

That's all I have...


Friday, March 07, 2025

Feel Good Friday!

Yay Friday! It's been a long week! 

Here's the list: 

1. Monday's very positive surgeon visit. I'm still having pains, but they are muscular and related to new shoes and things healing. 

2. Visits from nephews and friends. We had a wonderful dinner with them on their road trip journey. 

3. Making progress with the writing. I'm still not sure I've started in the right place, but I'm getting there. 

4. Summer retreat house is booked! Whoot! 

5. Light, but not light, weekend plans. 

6. The forecast next week! Seventy by Tuesday? Yes, please!

7. Sleeping in tomorrow. At least for a little. 

8. New shoes. 

That's about it. 


Monday, March 03, 2025

Hello March!

Yeah, I know March actually started on Saturday. I was busy! Ha! 

I got tricked, too. It was so lovely Saturday morning and I am so sick of cold weather, that I let myself get lulled into "false spring". I planted flowers. Outside. The pansies are okay. It's the other "hearty spring flower" that are dead. Yeah, I know. I'm an idiot and should know better. But my porch looked really cute for a few hours. All of the snowmen/snow themed items were removed and spring showed up. Now it's dead spring. 

Saturday was hella busy. We ran errands, did house stuff, ran more errands, went to dinner, and then to B's soccer game. What an amazing game. It was intense. B's team won 3-2, with B making two of the three goals. But talk about a good game and awesome sportsmanship. We won't talk about the uncomfortable metal bleachers. I sat on my puffy coat (because by then, the wind was so cold it would cut you in two and I needed a puffy coat to survive), and it still wasn't enough. Lesson learned. I'll take a chair next time. Also, on this day, I hit the highest step count I've had since my hip started hurting in December of 2023. And with only a little muscle soreness. 

I don't have to go back to my surgeon for six months! He said everything looks awesome and I have no restrictions. Just do what I think I can do and work up to the rest. My xray's looked great and he was pleased with how I'm walking. 

And that is all. 


Friday, February 28, 2025

Last Day of February!

Good Riddance! 

February seemed long. I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way! We have about three weeks until it's finally Spring! And I don't care what you say, March is a horribly long and awful month too. It's warm one day, cold the next, there's mud everywhere, flowers start to come up and then die. Our thoughts turn to gardens and planting, and snows. So yeah... 

Let's do the Feel Good. 

1. Healing coming along. I can put my own socks on now! Still sore at the end of the day, but it's a "muscles getting back to normal" sore. I'm not doing steps like a normal person all of the time, but I'm getting there. I have driven an automatic, but not our manual shift yet. That's coming. I'm ready. Doc appointment on Monday. 

2. Writing. Well, I'm hoping to get back into things this weekend. I figured out that I started in the wrong place, so that's a help to me feeling stuck. I also know the surgery/healing has a lot to do with everything and I had already promised myself I would take the time I needed to not feel like I'm forcing myself. I know I've had successful days over the past six weeks, but not so much lately. I do feel like I'm ready though. So there's that. 

3. Not so feel good is that my besties are all on a writing retreat this weekend. I so wish I could have joined them. I wasn't sure what kind of shape I would be in when the plans were made and I didn't want to burden them with having to help me so much when it's their retreat. I know they would have gladly helped me, but I just didn't know where I would be physically and mentally. And I didn't want to stick them with my cost portion if I realized I really couldn't go. I know I made the right decision, but it's sooo hard! I think (hope) we're planning one for summer, so that's a definite for me. 

That's about it! Life is not that exciting right now. I have a few things on the calendar to look forward to. One is a booksigning at the end of the month, and the other is an alone trip That Man and I have planned. And that's it. Like I said before, I know very soon I'll be lamenting the fullness of our calendar and wishing for the quiet time. 

That is all...
