
Monday, October 30, 2023

Want To Hear Something Gross?

Of course you do! 

So, Friday night I took my water cup to bed like always. 

I get up during the night to use the restroom, return, and grab my cup for a drink. 

I feel something in my mouth. The first thing I thought of was a piece of plastic from the ice bag. I pull it out, mush my fingers on it, drop it, and crawl back into bed. 


I smell it. 

Stink Bug. 

I turn my flashlight on and look at the floor. 

Yes. A stink bug. 

In my mouth. 

So freaking gross. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the night in abject horror. And every time I think about it, I get grossed out. And I haven't taken my water cup to bed since. 



Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Time is Flying...

Yeah, I know I slipped off the face of the earth again... 

Turns out, there isn't much to say, even though we've been insanely busy. 

The car is still in the shop.

Editing is going slow. 

The day job is busy. 

I'm exhausted and overwhelmed with all kinds of "stuff". 

There's not much worthy of the blog.

Well, K3 has a birthday coming up super quick. It's almost Trick or Treat for our town. I do enjoy Trick or Treat night. I believe K1 and J are bringing the boys over to home base at our house, which should be a blast. 

The holidays are coming. The cool thing is that the day after Thanksgiving is now a paid holiday at the day job. That's wonderful! 

I don't know what Thanksgiving is going to look like yet. Technically, it's my turn to host the family, but I'm not sure I'm up for it. I've given myself two weeks to decide for sure. 

And that's all I have...


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Wait...What? October!

Yeah, I know it's been October for almost two weeks now... But still...

Really not much has been happening around the old homestead. Well, beyond the usual and a few not so usual. 

That Man and I got ourselves a good case of some kind of crud. It was yucky and inconvenient and we both felt like crap. We're still dealing with the last vestiges of it, but overall the mending happened fairly quickly. 

I finished Sector Two! Well, it needs edited, but the pages are all written (or should I say "rewritten" since I had to redo the entire last half of it). I'm very far behind on the goals I had to get everything on deck edited, but there's not much I can do about it at this point. Sector Two has been hanging over my head for far too long, so it became priority to finish it. I'll start editing it tonight, and hopefully have it to my critique partners very soon. I'm itching to write something new, but I have all of this editing to do... but we'll see what happens. 

To much outrage (not from me), they cancelled our town's Halloween Parade. Something about the streets being unsafe because of delayed construction. I do enjoy the parade and seeing the people who come to hang out, but I didn't miss the chaos. So it was fine for me, but man, some people in our town were having a full blown conniption over it. 

Other than that... grandkid wrangling, soccer games, house stuff, car stuff. Our one car has been at the shop for five weeks now. They were waiting for a part, but no one is quite sure what's wrong with it. It's frustrating and I'm wary of what the bill is going to be, but it is what it is right now. 

This has been both an exceptionally long and also very short work week. The days have been far busier than normal, or maybe this is just the new norm as I continue to find things that are now my job to handle. I don't mind. I like being busy, but I don't like knowing there are things I don't know about. If that made sense. Ha! 

That is all!
