
Thursday, August 31, 2006

An Idea

You all know there are six people in my family. Four kids (2 teenagers) and B and I. And ONE bathroom.

This is a test run of a contest I want to do when I'm published and actually have stuff to give away. I'll probably have to tweak it some, which is why you're reading this.

Which two items did I actually find in my bathroom this week:
1. a chocolate pudding container
2. a lizard
3. the biggest wad of gum I've ever seen in my life - perched on top of the trash can in a threatening way. (Those of you that know my chewing gum issue can appreciate that one.)

I'll check back on Monday (not that I won't be around over the weekend - I just don't know if I'll have time to post) and let you know who guessed correctly.

You won't win anything - but it might be fun. ??

The Fourth Day

Today is the fourth day of school - the last of the week for my kids as they are off Friday and Monday.
All I can say is...Thank Goodness!
Things have disorganized themselves around here. Everyone is tired and grumpy. This morning was an absolute chore. K4 said her stomach hurt and she was not going to school. (an improvement over her wanting to quit school and move to France, or as she put it "move to the French" (don't ask me - she's 6) but still not pleasant) She would not get dressed, would not brush her teeth and did not want her hair combed. K3 woke up with one eye swollen - allergies, maybe. K2 is cranky - everything she says sounds like she's being a smart mouth - even though she says she didn't mean it like that. K1 is probably the only one that didn't have issues this morning. Well, unless you count the volume on the TV - blaring VH1.
But...they're all at school now. The house is silent, if not clean, and the dog has finally stopped crying for the first two hours after the kids leave.
Oops - lost my train of if I had one.
Tuesday will be better. Tuesday marks the true start of the routine. This week is more like a test run. For them and for me.
Our camping plans for the weekend don't look too good. Ernesto!! I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be, (and I am very disappointed) not as upset as I was when rain interfered with the fourth of July plans. Maybe that's because our weekend was going to be more about running than relaxation with football, my RWA chapter meeting, football, cheerleading, football...did I mention football?
I'm planning on slacking most of the day. I won't even come close to my yesterday page count (41 - whoot!). I'm having lunch with Mom - and looking forward to it - and running errands.
Did you fall asleep yet?
See! Told you my life is boring!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Quit yelling at me

I'm sorry I only wrote two lines. Had to see if my brain could handle all this Internet stuff. I'm still not sure - putting my progress meter (to the left) was a challenge! (and you'll notice, I updated it too.)

Third day home went well. 21 pages so far. I still need a title for this book.

This is all for now. I don't know how often I'll do update. I'd like to do it every day, but the boring details of my life might put you into a coma!

The Very First

I feel stupid.
I mean, who's going to read this?