
Monday, March 03, 2025

Hello March!

Yeah, I know March actually started on Saturday. I was busy! Ha! 

I got tricked, too. It was so lovely Saturday morning and I am so sick of cold weather, that I let myself get lulled into "false spring". I planted flowers. Outside. The pansies are okay. It's the other "hearty spring flower" that are dead. Yeah, I know. I'm an idiot and should know better. But my porch looked really cute for a few hours. All of the snowmen/snow themed items were removed and spring showed up. Now it's dead spring. 

Saturday was hella busy. We ran errands, did house stuff, ran more errands, went to dinner, and then to B's soccer game. What an amazing game. It was intense. B's team won 3-2, with B making two of the three goals. But talk about a good game and awesome sportsmanship. We won't talk about the uncomfortable metal bleachers. I sat on my puffy coat (because by then, the wind was so cold it would cut you in two and I needed a puffy coat to survive), and it still wasn't enough. Lesson learned. I'll take a chair next time. Also, on this day, I hit the highest step count I've had since my hip started hurting in December of 2023. And with only a little muscle soreness. 

I don't have to go back to my surgeon for six months! He said everything looks awesome and I have no restrictions. Just do what I think I can do and work up to the rest. My xray's looked great and he was pleased with how I'm walking. 

And that is all. 


Friday, February 28, 2025

Last Day of February!

Good Riddance! 

February seemed long. I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way! We have about three weeks until it's finally Spring! And I don't care what you say, March is a horribly long and awful month too. It's warm one day, cold the next, there's mud everywhere, flowers start to come up and then die. Our thoughts turn to gardens and planting, and snows. So yeah... 

Let's do the Feel Good. 

1. Healing coming along. I can put my own socks on now! Still sore at the end of the day, but it's a "muscles getting back to normal" sore. I'm not doing steps like a normal person all of the time, but I'm getting there. I have driven an automatic, but not our manual shift yet. That's coming. I'm ready. Doc appointment on Monday. 

2. Writing. Well, I'm hoping to get back into things this weekend. I figured out that I started in the wrong place, so that's a help to me feeling stuck. I also know the surgery/healing has a lot to do with everything and I had already promised myself I would take the time I needed to not feel like I'm forcing myself. I know I've had successful days over the past six weeks, but not so much lately. I do feel like I'm ready though. So there's that. 

3. Not so feel good is that my besties are all on a writing retreat this weekend. I so wish I could have joined them. I wasn't sure what kind of shape I would be in when the plans were made and I didn't want to burden them with having to help me so much when it's their retreat. I know they would have gladly helped me, but I just didn't know where I would be physically and mentally. And I didn't want to stick them with my cost portion if I realized I really couldn't go. I know I made the right decision, but it's sooo hard! I think (hope) we're planning one for summer, so that's a definite for me. 

That's about it! Life is not that exciting right now. I have a few things on the calendar to look forward to. One is a booksigning at the end of the month, and the other is an alone trip That Man and I have planned. And that's it. Like I said before, I know very soon I'll be lamenting the fullness of our calendar and wishing for the quiet time. 

That is all...


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Silence...Well, Some.

Sorry for the silence! Though I guess it's only been two weeks! Only. Ha!

I'm healing. It's been almost 5 weeks. Sleep is getting better, but is still an issue. The old pain is gone completely, which is amazing and wonderful. However, I still have weird and random pains. Every day is different. I know it's from the actual surgery and the fact that my muscles were cut, etc. And my knee is figuring out how to support me correctly again. I keep feeling like my foot is turning inward, but it's not. Like I said, every day is different, but it's getting better every day too.

I can almost put my socks on by myself. I have to be careful to not over do physical activity and to react slowly in certain cases. I can get into our vehicle without my step stool, though I still keep it handy just in case. I'm not doing the stairs like a normal person yet, but that's coming. I still have a little swelling, which is normal.

Other than that...This particular long dark of winter is incredibly obnoxious for me. I'm equal parts stir crazy and snuggled in. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but I'm ready for warmer weather, sun, being more active, and for some of the stressors to go away. 

Come on, Spring! 


Thursday, February 06, 2025

Snow Day!

Well, not really. It's a work from home day. 

We got ice. I'm not sure how much. All I know is that we received an email last night saying we wouldn't open until after 9am today. Then, this morning, there was another that said to work from home. So we did. 

And yeah, I'm back at work. Since my job is a desk job, the doc was fine with me returning. My brain was atrophying. Ha! 

My healing is going well, but it's a process. Every day is a little better. Sleeping has been an issue, but (knock on wood) that was better last night. I just need that to continue. 

Looks like we're supposed to get more bad weather over the weekend, and then again next week. I say bring it. 

That is all. 


Friday, January 31, 2025

Feel Good Friday!

It's rainy here. And chilly. But I'm snuggled up in my chair with a blanket. It's quite possibly my last Friday home. I go to the doctor on Monday and we'll see what he says about clearing me for return to work. 

Let's do the list...

1. Making a successful trip into the day job yesterday to say "Happy Retirement" to my boss. It's bittersweet. He was a great boss and I'll miss him, but I'm happy for him to get to enjoy his retirement too. He's been talking about it since I started over 5 years ago. 

2. Feeling pretty confident in my new boss. He definitely has a different style, but it's good. I think things are going to be just fine. 

3. Putting on my very loose comfy socks all by myself. It took a very long time and the help of my grabber thingy, but I did somehow manage to get my left sock on. It's crooked, but my foot is warm. 

4. Getting writing done. I have made decent progress this week, and I will continue to make decent progress. I am re-finding my focus and my spark so that's something. And I'm doing my best not to overdo it and burn myself out. 

5. Working hard at not overdoing things. It's absolutely amazing to not have the pain level I had before. It's super easy to forget that my body is still healing. And that I do still have pain that shouldn't be ignored. I am mindful though. 

6. Starting to look forward to upcoming things. I feel like I haven't been able to do that for a little while. And yeah, I did look forward to the holidays, but not without a huge amount of trepidation and frustration over how I was going to get things done and survive with the amount of pain I was dealing with. Now it's with more of a "I should be able to do that" attitude. If that makes sense. 

That's about it. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

I'm Here!

I'm not even close to 100% yet, and that will be a while, but every day is getting better.

The pain of the bad hip is gone. Whoot! Now I'm left with surgical pain - or you know - someone reaching their hands inside of my body and taking out my bones pain. And there's a lot of that! Ha! The bruising was epic. So are the muscle cramps. Mostly gone now, but there's still a little. My scar is good. Healing nicely. Sleeping is a crapshoot, but it always is. Ha! I'm walking around the neighborhood some and can do steps better than I could before though I still have to take it slow. 

I will be venturing out for the first time in two weeks on Thursday. My boss is retiring and I need to go to the shindig. It's at work, so it should be easy and there are plenty of spaces for me to rest if I need to. Then I see my surgeon on Monday and hopefully he'll release me to go back to work. 

In the meantime, I'm in my chair watching dumb tv and organizing stuff. I haven't gotten back to writing yet, but that's today. I hope. 

That's all I have! 


Thursday, January 23, 2025

I'm Back!

Sorry it's taken me so long! 

I'm doing well and making progress!

I'll post more detail soon! 


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Here We Go...

I report bright and early tomorrow morning. Well, actually I have to be there before it's even bright and early. Ha! My surgery time is first thing in the morning. I'm the first one of the day. 

I received my call with my instructions and I'm good to go. 

So I guess I'll catch you on the flip side. I'll post as soon as I can/feel up to it. 

And then I can get back to living life! Living life without constant pain! 

Let's go! 


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2 Days Until Surgery...

I'm all set... I've been medically cleared for Friday. I'll get a time to report sometime tomorrow. 

I have my bag packed. The house is almost clean. Stuff has been organized. 

I have to use this super weird smelling body wash. I can't sleep with my dog. 

Our bed part came, but it's taking it's time warming up so we're watching it. It will be a pain if we have to send it back. 

No writing has happened. My brain is working and I cannot wait until I can put some words on the page again. 

And that is all...


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Feel Good Friday on Saturday...Again

Well, here we are at Saturday again. I kind of fell down on posting this week, but in my defense, the week was absolute insanity. 

To back up, it barely snowed. So we trudged our way into work Monday to inventory data entry and report making. And trying to catch up on everything that didn't happen due to getting ready for inventory day. That continued until Friday. About the only thing I can say is that it was one of "those" work weeks. 

And it was one of "those" weeks period. So many stressful things. 

Still up in the air about whether or not surgery is really going to happen. I'm told not to worry and to continue as if it is, but there seems to be one thing after another. The "don't worry" is a ridiculous thing to say to someone. And I am continuing like everything is as it should be, but damn, so very much stress. 

We're still waiting for the part for our bed. the original place refunded me after I emailed for status (they apologized and said they were out of stock)and I had to do a pretty intense search for another one. Which I did find, and I paid way too much for it, but I had no choice. It's supposed to be here today and we're ready. There's a hose running through the living room in preparation. The hope is that we can be back to normal by Monday night. Fingers crossed. 

No writing has happened this week, and we'll see if I get to it this weekend at all. My brain is a little broken, but I might be able to spew some ideas out for later. I also want to go through the old man synopsis and query again, but I'm giving myself grace on that all of it. 

That's it for now. Hopefully this coming week will be better than last...


Sunday, January 05, 2025

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Sunday? 

I am torn about being happy it's Sunday. I mean, it's been a pretty decent weekend, but after Sunday is Monday one wants that. 

Christmas is gone from this house. We packed it all up and put it away. There are some snowmen things here and there. The sleds and "winter flowers" are still on the porch along with the big snowman. I'm okay with that. We did some minor organizing in the basement. Well, we did a lot of organizing of various things and laundry. 

I spent most of yesterday writing. I think I figured out the beginning of the old lady story. That's progress. I'm just now getting to it today. 

My main purpose in posting was to update on our dinner tonight...

So this time last week, we dumped an entire bottle of wine into a pot with various vegetables, spices, and beef broth and cooked it into a marinade. Once that was cooled, we placed a small roast into a bag and poured the marinade on top. By Wednesday, we had to move the whole thing into a container due to leakage. It smelled like wine. 

This morning we pulled it all out, dried off the roast, braised it, and then put it all back together with the marinade and popped it into the oven at 300. It was supposed to go for 3-4 hours. 

Well, with all of the organizing we were doing, we lost track of time. 

And we burned it. 

We were supposed to take the marinade, strain it, add gingersnaps, and make gravy. Pssh. Instead, we made beef broth gravy with no gingersnaps. 

The meat was dry, but not inedible. It didn't taste burned so there's that. I can't say I loved the taste, but I didn't hate it either. If that makes sense. 

There was also a red cabbage side dish to go with it. That turned out awesome and we sunk the meat in the pot while we finished up the gravy. The red cabbage dish is going to stay in our back pocket for future meals. 

And there you have it. That Man is working on cleaning the burned dutch oven. I have opened my document and am getting to work. We have precious few hours until the week starts, but hopefully we'll get the snow they're talking about and tomorrow will be a work from home day. 


Saturday, January 04, 2025

Feel Good Friday on Saturday

Made it through the first few days of the year, but honestly... this year is not starting out so great. 

Let's get the crap out of the way first, shall we? You know how they say "crap happens in threes"? Yep. In just four days we've managed to fill the crap-o-meter.

1. Potentially having to delay my surgery due to a missed test scheduling. (Not my fault) For now, we are continuing like things are happening. But I won't know if we're a go until the last minute unless there's a cancellation. 

2. Our heater going out on our bed. That happened New Years Eve. We ordered a new one, but it hasn't even shipped yet. I'm in the guest room and he's been sleeping on the couch. It sucks because I have a week until I'm in the guest room full time for a bit. 

3. There is a three. 

So, let's do our best to side table the crap and focus on some good stuff. 

1. Work inventory going well. There's only a bit of entering numbers to do. We were done the earliest we've ever been and so far, things are lining up pretty well! Lunch was awesome and it was a good day even though it was a really long day. 

2. Snow in the forecast. Though I just saw an update that has the storm pushed to the south and shows us as not getting anything now. I hope that's wrong. I haven't had time to check it out yet. 

3. Since we're in self-imposed lock down, we've been trying new recipes. Next up is sauerbraten. I will let you know how it comes out tomorrow or Monday. The roast has been marinating for a week. 

4. Figuring out what the old lady story needs. I'm picking my way through, but it's a slow go right now. 

Okay. That's all I have. At least the good was more than the bad? Yeah. I don't think it works that way...
