
Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Always Running Behind...

Things I have been doing...
1. Day job... A little OT. A lot of crazy. Braindraining...
2. Working at the 'rents... So close to being done.
3. Being exhausted. All. Of. The. Freaking. Time.
4. Looking for beach houses. We're a little late and pickings are slim.
5. Getting K4 through her last week of Sophomore year. One more half day. (but it's not until Friday. She's off school tomorrow. Makes no sense.)
6. Writing... A very little. Not much at all...
7. Wishing I could sleep all night without waking up every hour...
8. Thinking about selling my Jeep... Not very serious, just a thought...
9. Looking forward to being done with the 'rents and being home for a whole weekend to do my own stuff.
10. Believe it or not... Already thinking about Christmas. I don't know why and I'm sure it'll bite me in the ass later....

That is all...

1 comment:

Emily Shorette said...
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