
Friday, June 23, 2017

Feel Good Friday

Oh thank you Friday! I am so glad to see you!

So let's get to the good stuff...

1. Friday, duh! Friday is good. But every day should be good in its own way. You just gotta make it so.

2. That Man having a blast on his trip - catching lots of fish, getting soaked by rain, and eaten by bugs, but he's loving every minute of it.

3. K4 and I hanging out tonight. She got her new phone with her own monies and she's thrilled. We went to dinner and had awesome food and conversation.

4. I got my ARC for my new release! I'm working through it and hope to get it done asap, but after a while of reading the same lines over and over, the old eyes get buggy and every word looks the same, so I'm probably done for the night. I will let you know as soon as I get a firm release date! I will also do a cover reveal tomorrow (if I have time)!

5. We're going to see Wonder Woman tomorrow! I admit I haven't seen a lot of previews or anything, so I have no idea what to expect. I've heard it's good.

6. Camping! Obviously there was no camping tonight. The camping spot is full of mud and water and we have dogs... Not a good mix for anything, plus it's been raining on and off all day and raining currently. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I am hoping for it though. (by the way, I am not opposed to camping in the rain, but not going made sense tonight)

7. Air conditioning. It's the best and I love it.

8. Sleeping in tomorrow! Yes!

That's it. It's bed time.


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