
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Feel Good Saturday

Here we are on Saturday!

I stayed home from the day job yesterday. I left work on Thursday feeling like death - fever, sinus pain and congestion - and it didn't get any better until last night. I literally slept in my bed most all day. Around four I managed to get my words done, and then laid on the couch the rest of the evening.

Felt better this morning. I did sleep in and take care of some estate stuff. Then I went shopping. We decided we needed a smaller, easier to haul around vacuum. I hit up a few stores, then ended up at the mega mart. Then the grocery store. Then home just in time to get the boys

We're watching the grandsons overnight tonight. K1 & J had a wedding today and ended up with a hotel room overnight. This is the first time they've left Little B overnight, so they were excited - especially after the week they've had. Little B had croup and ended up in the ER for breathing treatments. The last few times we were going to keep them both, something happened - which anyone with kids knows that's how it always goes, so I was glad for them to get away tonight.

The boys were dropped off around two. Big B is a riot. Little B is, too. That Man worked until almost five, so the boys and I hung out and played. We made little stromboli's for dinner, watched a movie, and laughed. Big B went to bed a lot earlier than I figured he would and he was out like a light within five minutes. Little B was a lot harder to get down, but he's finally out. I'm expecting him to be up during the night at least a few times, so it won't be long until I head up myself.

I did get my words in. The dishes are done. The living room is covered in toys. But it's good.

I am exhausted. I can remember how I did this with four. I guess still not feeling 100% has something to do with it, too.

That is all...


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