
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up!

So having the boys was a complete success! Mom and Dad had an awesome time at the wedding and were very happy! They said it was like an anniversary getaway for them. We had an awesome time with the boys! Little B woke up at 3am. He was freezing cold and very wet. Somehow the little bugger got out of his very warm pjs... We got him settled again and he slept until 7am.

Not too bad at all. Both boys were great! Little B was happy and silly. He and Pappy laughed constantly and played their own version of peek-a-boo. Big B has commissioned me to write him a story. He's even given me a few weeks to complete it! Ha! He doesn't believe me when I tell him I cannot draw. He insists I'll figure it out somehow.

The boys were picked up and we pretty much crashed. It rained all day. A cold rain, too. We were cozy. Candles lit and warm blankets. I wrote. Napped. Made alfredo sauce for dinner - chicken, mushroom, broccoli alfredo. I've been doing store bought alfredo for years, with the addition of my own improvements. Who knew that my own improvements were exactly what you need to make your own alfredo sauce? I didn't, but I do now. Seriously! It's so much better!

Wrote some more. Did all of the laundry. Cleaned up the kitchen with That Man's help. Now we're chilling and it's almost bedtime.

Tomorrow is back to the day job. I am not excited. At all. And I am not looking forward to it. The stress hits around four for me... Ugh!

That's all I have for now!


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