
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Actually...Feel Good Friday on Sunday

I realized that while I said my post yesterday was a Feel Good Post, it actually wasn't even close! So we're going to try again today...

Here we go:

1. Working another week. At least. We'll see...

2. Ordering delivery Friday night. Though... the computer never printed out my order. Two phone calls and almost 3 hours later we finally ate. They did comp us with a free 2-liter of soda though it wasn't their fault.

3. Sleeping in. I slept in yesterday and today, though I had a rough time sleeping last night.

4. Getting the words on the page. I did pretty good this week. Not as good as I wanted to yesterday, but still way more than normal

5. Ordering stuff online. The pet food came yesterday. I'm still trying to put my grocery order in and am not having a lot of luck. I'll keep trying though. I'd rather not go out if I don't have to. Most of the online ordering works well, but there are frustrations and delays that make me nuts.

6. The sun today. I need that.

7. Living through a slight case of the stomach crud. I started feeling crappy Wednesday after dinner. Won't provide any details, except to say the stomach cramps were horrible. It hit That Man Thursday. By yesterday I felt normal and he's finally feeling normal today. Just kind of scary if you think about it. We've both worn masks and gloves and hand sanitized every time we go out. And we don't go anywhere or touch anything we don't have to. We sanitize everything we bring in the house and we let it sit for a few days if we can.

That's all I have.


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