
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Winter of Our Quarantine

Is it ever going to get warm?

The wind is howling. It's rude. We have a fire lit. It's wonderfully warm in here, which I appreciate, but at the same time I would prefer to have the windows open.

I am sick of it being cold outside!

I want to work in my flower beds.
I want to sit by the fire.
I want to plant vegetables.
I need it to be warm enough to get the camper floor in.
And replace the fence.
I need to sit in the sun. (I get brief moments, but it's not exactly what I need)

I can't remember if  it's usually warmer than this right now, or if this is just spring... I don't think this is normal though. Or maybe that has something to do with being on lockdown. I don't know.

But, again, I would do far better on lockdown if I could do the above... I don't need to leave my house. I don't feel the lack of socializing thing. I just feel the lack of sun and warmth.

I know. I'm complaining. I can't help it today.

We were supposed to be at the beach right now. That Man and I had rented a really sweet little beach cottage. On the beach. On our favorite beach. We were going to leave early this morning and we would have been there by late afternoon. We were so excited for this trip!

And we're not there... And the property owner refuses to answer me on a credit or refund. I don't expect a full refund. I understand, but the likelihood of us booking another trip without a partial refund/credit is highly unlikely... (We're not even going to talk about next month's already paid for hotel... )

I have a bunch of being bummed...

It didn't help that my work afternoon needed dynamite or something. Nothing wanted to work correctly and I spent the last hour or so in total frustration. The good news is that we're working next week too. I definitely won't complain about that.

So after a month or so at home and being jealous of everyone talking about how much stuff they're getting done at their homes, I finally, after it being on my "to do" list for probably two years, cleaned out my linen closet.

It took the most of my lunch break yesterday, but it's amazing now! I have one whole empty shelf. One shelf of sheets. One shelf of the stuff that goes in a linen closet - the iron, extra light bulbs, first aid stuff, etc... I went from a stuffed full closet to the bare essentials and I couldn't be happier. I can't tell you when I cleaned it out last, but it has definitely been a long while.

Today I tackled the vanity cabinet in the bathroom, which was actually super easy and quick. Took like ten minutes. But again, bare essentials, and it's good.

I can't tell you that I have big plans to do anything else... I don't. Between writing and the day job, there is not a lot of time or energy left...

Anyway... I am going to take my complaining *ss to bed now... It's been a longer than normal day...


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