
Saturday, October 01, 2011

Another Feel Good Post...

So, we were doing our grocery shopping at our regular grocery store and we heard them announcing an incentive to buy store brand products. We normally do this, because they are less expensive and just as good and we wanted to win, but didn't think we would.
When we went to check out, we were stopped by "the crew". They checked our cart and guess what? We won! $50.00, the lovely bouquet of flowers you see to your left and a whole bunch of balloons!
How cool is that?
Plus, they unloaded our cart, bagged our groceries, and every person from management congratulated us. We had to sign a waiver, have our picture taken, and be taped saying why we shop there, but Heck yeah! it was worth it! I'm still giddy!
Very cool!

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