
Friday, May 01, 2015

Feel Good Friday

For the love of all that is Holy... It is finally Friday!
Thank Goodness!
It has been a super ridiculously long week!
Let's just talk about the good stuff, okay?
1. Ice Cream with Baby B. He was sick and when he started feeling better, he remembered that I promised him an ice cream trip this week. We finally made it and he was so stinking cute. He danced. And then he only ate like four bites of ice cream!
2. The week being over. The day job was super super busy! Our volume was through the roof! The stress level was also through the roof. If you know what I do, then you understand.
3. Seeing my kids perform tonight! They were super awesome! I am so proud!
4. Ordering subs for dinner! We didn't eat until way late because we didn't get home until way late.
5. Having kid friends over and at the performance. Awesome.
6. Keeping up with the 50/50 challenge! I didn't miss a day this week.
7. Retreat coming up in less than 2 weeks! Whoot!
8. Writing meeting tomorrow. Yay!
9. Hopefully seeing K5 tomorrow!
10. Crazy busy weekends! Though I wish for a day without obligations! Ha!
That is all!

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