
Friday, December 22, 2017

Pre-Christmas Chaos and Plague...

I can't believe 11 days have gone by since I posted last!!

We're in full on prep mode around here. The shopping is finally done after a last-ditch quick and hard effort tonight. It sucked because That Man has the plague and was not doing well at all. We got home as soon as we could, but still. He's a trooper.

Speaking of the plague...
After a wonderful day with K5 and B on Sunday, I ended up falling asleep in the car on the way home. I was "tired". We hit the grocery store quick, well, just I went in because B was crashed and I didn't realize how bad I felt. I should have let That Man do it. Every motion was an effort. When we got home, That Man started dinner and I had to lay down for a minute - only it was three hours. With a fever, chills, and a killer headache. I managed to drag myself upwards to eat a tiny bit and then went to bed, and didn't get out again until Tuesday morning. (That Man is amazing - he did the school trip, dinner, and everything that needed to be done).

Tuesday I managed to get the kid to school. She was feeling a little strange when I dropped her off and I was not any better. I managed until noon - then I got a call from the school nurse and let my boss know I was out for the rest of the day. I picked her up and we came home and crashed for hours. That Man took care of everything again.

Wednesday was much better. All of us made it through the day. That Man and I went out for our anniversary. (31 years married! Whoot!) Believe it or not, despite the plague, I wanted Mexican food and it was amazing. We did a little shopping before coming home. We also did a lot of talking, which was super good.

Everyone at my work is sick. There are two different things going around. I had them both - back to back. Most everyone at That Man's job is sick, too. The receptionist at K4's school told me the plague is super bad there, too.

Last night we had company for dinner. I ran to get a present I needed for That Man (epic quick shopping. nice) while That Man took care of stuff here. We did a quick inventory of our previous shopping adventures and made a semi-plan for tonight.

The dog decided to open one of the presents already under the tree yesterday. She's dealing with some separation anxiety or something, but still... I did warn the other people in this house that the dog loves to open presents and they should probably think twice about it. No one listens. The gift was for me. I still don't know what it is, but apparently the dog does. Ha! She didn't damage it, just left K4 with a mess to clean up when she got home.

Tonight, Feel Good Friday, Oy!!

I'm spewing. I know I am. It's been a super long week and I'm excited for Christmas. The day job was exceptionally lame today and with pretty much zero Holiday spirit. Everyone is sick, so there is that. One of our guys did buy pretzels from the awesome place, but that was the extent of our holiday cheer. I do love my co-workers though. There were sarcastic hugs, ridiculous videos, and general tom-foolery.

Ran out of there as quickly as I could. Stopped at our store to get That Man something for his achey elbow. (copper sleeve. we'll see if it works) Came up and picked up Plague Man (though at this point, he thought he felt good). Ran to the store we thought had what we wanted. Nada. Second store. Also, nada. Made a snap decision and kind of found what we wanted at the third. Not exactly it, but, hey, zero hour, good price. Whatever. Ran into two friends. Nice. Also finished up the loose ends of the shopping.

Then it was the grocery store. Oy and ouch. And I still have to go back tomorrow. (Noooo!) It'll be a super quick trip for prescriptions and cheese, but still...

K4 did a lot of cleaning today, but there is a lot for me to touch tomorrow. I have wrapped nothing. At all. And I have a crapton of cooking to do. That's okay. We'll get it done. I do want to sleep in a little tomorrow. Because, damn, after this horrid week, I deserve it!

I'm looking forward to seeing my family on Sunday. I'm looking forward to Monday and my baby's 18th birthday. After Monday, every single one of my kids are adults. That feel super weird, but also super awesome. And I am super old now.

I don't know if I'll be back before Christmas, so if I'm not... I wish you the happiest! And I wish my baby girl an awesome birthday!


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