
Monday, September 11, 2006

Check That Out!

See that word meter?
That's a reflection of probably one of my best production days ever! 50 pages!
I'm not sure how I managed that but believe me when I say I think I'm brain damaged now. My eyes are gritty and one of my thumbs hurts. I know...Wah!

Most of what I wrote is pretty much garbage. The story has gone in a direction I hadn't planned. I like it, but some of the beginning will need rewritten. That's okay by me. I've accomplished one of my goals for the week - to beat last week's measly page count.

Okay - answers to the guessing game - not that anyone probably really cares.
1. A seed pod from a catalpa tree.
2. Two cosmetology mannequin heads. (They were there and then then were gone. The only thing left behind was clumps of mannequin hair. I found them again in the kitchen, being made over by my daughter and her friend. Then I found one in the freezer. It had a mohawk and a beard. I'm really sure you don't want to know why it was in the freezer. Trust me.)
As for the big pile of grass. Been there, done that. Yes. It's happened before, just not last week.

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