
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Post Thanksgiving Wrap Up

I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving, no matter how you celebrate!

We had a fantastic time with That Man's sister and the rest of the family! We went Wednesday to help get stuff ready, and laughed, cooked, and generally goofed off and were silly. Our air mattress deflated overnight, but that was okay - we were all in bed early and up early to get a turkey in the roaster and one in the smoker. The food was amazing and so was the company. We got home still stuffed and exhausted - and three of us had to work on Friday, all early. Needless to say we were in bed before nine! Ha!

Made it through my second Friday of the week! We were all sick of cooking, so pizza came to our door. We relaxed with a movie, and were, again, in bed insanely early. Which was fine. Our very good friends, who are/were also our neighbors and have been for around twenty years (and are traitors) are moving away. They bought a sweet house about a half-hour away, so we went out to help them get stuff done. The new house is super awesome and That Man has garage/pole barn envy. The guys built a floor in the garage attic and us ladies put together pain-in-the-butt stools for the kitchen. It was nice to hang with them! After that, home, dinner, blah blah blah...

Oh yes, I did write every night!

Today has been catch up... Bill paying, grocery shopping, dreaded laundry (last load in the dryer), and made leftover turkey with waffles and a weird gravy (that was actually pretty tasty) for dinner. Now I'm writing (already met my word count) and we're folding the laundry, relaxing, and getting ready for yet another early bedtime. Day job tomorrow... what can I say?

That's all I can report...

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