
Monday, October 09, 2006

Days Off

Today is a school holiday. Tomorrow too.

My house is full of kids. Right now there are 4 teenagers and 3 youngers on the premises. The noise level is relatively quiet, considering. The house is not clean, mind you, just a low noise level that defies logic. At least for here.

And I have a list of things to do that also defies logic. Grocery shopping - a feat that seems ridiculous considering how many kids will trail through the store with me. I may not tackle that one until much later. House cleaning - a ridiculous chore but necessary. Tomorrow is our town's Halloween parade and as usual, we will have a houseful of onlookers. Food will be prepared, obnoxiousness will ensue. In all, a grand time, but much work for me.

What I want to do, instead of the cleaning and shopping, is work on my edits/revisions for the story I am burning to send out into the big scary world. I'm not sure that's going to happen today. It's possible, just not probable. And tomorrow will be much of the same - with probably some extra running thrown in - I'm not sure K3 has all the components for his costume he needs. He, B and K4 are in the parade and I refuse to drag the massive crew to costume land. The grocery store is one thing, the party store is a completely different beast.

Yeah, I know this is normal. It's a balance that sometimes I'm not too great at - family and writing. Some days are easy. Others are not. Today will be easy because I'll make it so. I will try for writing time but if that doesn't happen, I won't beat myself up about it. I will have fun and enjoy the day. And I hope you do too.

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