
Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Tonight was our town's annual Halloween parade.
Always a blast - a houseful of people, lots of food and obnoxious behavior. It's really cool to be able to sit on our front porch and watch (we're on the parade route). This year was no different, though much more subdued than usual because many of our usual crowd were missing due to work and other obligations.
We'd decided to have appetizer type foods since everyone pretty much grazes the entire time. Usually I make chili or tortellini soup and I was in big trouble because I didn't plan to do that this year. (Not to mention it was like 87* here today - who wants chili?) I let the kids talk me into trying "Mummy Wrap Soup" and it was a huge hit. There was only one bowl left out of a huge crockpot full. It looked terrible though - you take egg whites and drizzle them into the boiling soup and surprisingly, it really does look like mummy wrappings.
Oh. And it rained.
Many pulled out of the parade. There were no marching bands and not many floats. Our cub scouts marched and they looked awesome. My little guy was soaking wet and super tired when they got home. He took his shower and promptly fell asleep on the couch.
Got my Suburban back today. Am keeping my fingers crossed the problem is fixed. Our mechanic is reasonably certain it is, but refuses to be sure since he's as frustrated with it as we are. Oh, and I ended up with a nearly flat tire after I'd finished the shopping and errands. Don't know what's up with that, but it completely falls in line with the whole "Murphy" thing.
The temperature's finally dropping here. Thank goodness.
That's all for now.

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