
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bugs and Stuff...

Last night we were at the grocery store - late. As I was leaving to meet that man at the car, there was a group of guys standing around an empty shopping cart looking at something. Of course, being the nosy person I am, I had to stop and look. And take a couple of pictures.
See that huge Praying Mantis?
Very cool!! I hadn't seen one all year!
In other news... wedding planning is... Well... It's exciting. For both weddings. The one that's only 2.5 weeks away is a little stressful. There's a lot to do and very little time and money to work with. We had another wedding meeting tonight and made some major progress. I had a little too much coffee (but it was so good!) and forgot my trusty notebook, but we're in good shape.
My new grandbaby is growing. In less than 2 weeks, I'll know if I'll have another granddaughter or a first grandson.
The new wip - It's coming. I'm thinking. And I'm very excited!
That is all!

Monday, August 27, 2012

And So It Begins...

School has officially started. The kids had good days, though I did hear "I don't feel good" as soon as I walked into the door. Oy. I hope it's not going to be one of those years... I have finished the 17 metric tons of paperwork I'm required to fill out, taken a much needed walk with that man, and have opened a brand new word document.
New book... SQUEEE!
First lines: There is no green anywhere.
The tree in front of the outpost is dead, its leaves dried and brown, though they still cling to the branches. Pretending. That's what most people do now. They pretend we aren't running out of food and starving to death. That people are killing each other for canned goods with no labels. That they didn't eat their family pet just to survive. 
All of that will probably change. I'm just trying to get the idea down. I don't even know the heroines name yet, though I did figure out she's some kind of cop.
Also, let me just tell you that wedding planning is an absolute joy. Not. Copious amounts of adult beverages are going to be required if I'm going to come through this with even a quarter of a brain. It's literally like herding cats, or jello, or fleas, or something equally inattentive. And it's 2 weekends away.
Maybe I'm foolish for starting a new book before this wedding is over, but I think it's the only thing that's going to keep my sane...
That is all for now.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

School Starts Tomorrow...

The mood in my house is a mix of dread and excitement.
Backpacks are loaded with new pencils, paper, and folders. New sneakers, socks, underwear, and various other items have been purchased. We didn't do the full load of school shopping, but will take care of jeans, more shirts, etc, over the next few weeks.
7th and 10th grade...
I'm excited for them. I'm excited for the routine, though I'm not quite ready for summer to end. Our summer has been mostly crappy with the loss of both of our beloved pets and some other stuff I won't get into. We have had some fun though. Camping, an extended July 4th camping trip, our 4.5 gorgeous days at the beach, hanging out in the backyard, wedding planning x2, hanging with the family, random crazy happenstances.
AND! Tomorrow I am starting a brand new book! That's some awesome awesomeness right there!
Fall is coming. I love fall! So much! I love sweatshirts, comfy pants, fires, pumpkin spice candles, baking, comfort food, pumpkins....and new books! Whoot!
That is all...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Feel Good Friday...

There isn't a lot of good to this week... I miss my puppy so much. Our house is sad and quiet. Her dishes are gone, so is her bed. Her "babies" are in the washing machine to be claimed by K3 & K4 as reminders of their best friend. The fire sirens went off a little while ago and that man and I looked at each other - someone's got to make sure the dog is in because she'll howl. But no. We don't. She won't be "singing" along with the sirens anymore.
So... in honor of our very special family member. Here is Feel Good Friday - Abbie Style...
1. Our Abbie was the Safety Dog. Any time the kids were doing something she thought was unsafe, she would freak out. Whether she barked, pestered me, or tried to block them... she was on duty. One time, we took her to the beach. She was upset that the older three were in the water splashing around. She wouldn't stop whining and bugging me. K4 decided she was ready to go into the ocean and as I picked K4 up to take her into the waves, Abbie knocked me down and stood between me and K4. She did not want her baby in the water.
2. When she was a puppy she used to crawl on top of the open dishwasher door. It was so, so cute.
3. She wasn't allowed on the couch. She was always on the couch when we weren't looking.
4. She could "high five", "speak", and "shake". When my sister got her dog we were forbidden to teach Nezzie how to shake.
5. When K5 first started walking, Abbie was terrified of her. She would back away while still assuming a submissive position. She never snarled or growled, but she was scared of this tiny walking thing...
6. Our yard isn't completely fenced in and until recently, we never had to worry about it. She never left. Occasionally she'd go down to visit That man's mother (who lives right behind us and has had her share of Abbie duty while we're away). A few times she'd go trash can diving because the garbage smelled too good too resist, but not often. Then she began wandering... (The vet said the toxins in her brain made her think weird things which is why we had to track her down lately)
7. She loved the creek and camping... Which is why we buried her in The Meadow. Any time she even thought we were going to either my sister's house or the creek, she was in the truck... waiting. And she wouldn't get out no matter what. She loved my sister's dog and my sister's family (they were here when we brought her home and she thought they were hers too.)
And... I can't do this anymore....
I miss her more than I can even say. She was my girl. She was my buddy and my friend....
Rest in Peace...

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Today we had to say goodbye to our puppy, Abbie. She wasn't a puppy. She was going on 12, but she was my puppy - my baby.
She'd been declining pretty rapidly over the past month. The vet said her liver failed. She had a mass and her liver was no longer working. The toxins had built up in her poor body and she was suffering. She said they could give her fluids and let us take her home, but she felt that was cruel. Abbie was in pain.
I seriously hoped she had some kind of strange infection and that after a few antibiotics she'd be fine.
I was wrong. The vet said there was nothing we could have done differently, nothing we did wrong. It happens. She was old and there is no rhyme or reason for these kind of things.
I was with her when she died - holding her, sobbing into her soft black fur. The vet assured me she was ready and that she could tell by her eyes that she adored us.
The vet carried her to my truck, hugged me, and said no charge for the visit. I really love our vet, except... we now have no animals to take there anymore... (2 beloved pets in less than a month is a little much, don't you think?)
We brought her home and took her to her favorite place for burial. She's at The Meadow, watching over everything.
I will miss you, my sweet girl. So much.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Halfway through the week...
Tomorrow is Thursday! Good. That means we're closer to Friday. Though this weekend will be stocking up on school supplies, buying sneakers, undies, and school crap for the big day on Monday.
K3 is excited. K4 is angry.
This summer has gone fast! Too fast! We've had some good stuff, but mostly, it's been drudgery and nonsense.
I am so looking forward to fall. So much. And... I think I might even be looking forward to Christmas. (don't faint - we will see)
That is all...

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Real World...

And here's why...
1. Monday. Really? Do you have to be so "typical"?
2. Laundry does not do itself.
3. I forgot to buy half of the stuff I needed to make dinner tonight... (still turned out pretty good)
4. Wedding planning is a p.i.t.a. Just saying...
5. I need a vacation to recover from my vacation - and it was a short one.
The good things about today:
1. Writing time.
2. The rain.
3. A cozy, comfortable evening at home with no outside obligations.
4. Comfy pants.
5. Being able to sleep in my bed.
That is all...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back From the Beach...

Sorry for the long radio silence...
I've been at the beach... soaking up the sun (a little too much sun), having fun with that man and those children (some of them)... It wasn't our regular trip to the Outer Banks, but my close second choice. Also, it wasn't just our family, but a scout trip - but since some of the scout families are like family...
Things I learned at the beach:
1. I can go nearly 5 whole days without Internet, my iPhone, and laptop. A good lesson for me. I feel pretty danged free and without worry that my phone or laptop would get broken or sand/water damaged. In fact, my crappy temporary cell ended up locked in the truck the entire time we were there because I did not care.
2. The ocean and cell phones do not mix. Ask K3. He forgot to take his cell out of his pocket and is in the process of ordering a new one.
3. Spray sunscreen sucks. I am sun burnt. So is that man. He has stripes on his back and I have burn in weird places...
4. Horse Flies are the devil.
5. Porta Johns suck. (I knew this from last year)
6. My future daughter-in-law is a trooper. 5 months pregnant and her first time sleeping in a tent for more than a night. It was her first "real" camping trip and she did wonderfully and without K1. We had a blast!
7. That man with a fishing pole at the beach equals a real smile. (I already knew this, but it was good to see) And I have not seen one of those smiles in quite a while.
8. Also, even though I already knew that man is awesome... He willingly dealt with the chaos of picking up my iPhone on the way home.
9. Sometimes you have to make 65 million trips to the closest pharmacy because they have the best tea in the world on sale.
10. Laughter really is the best medicine.
It was a good trip. But I am glad to be home. I missed home. I am not looking forward to Monday morning though...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Still Freaking Out...

I woke up yesterday morning after a very sleepless night and prepared myself to go to my local cell store. I arrived... what I thought was only 20 minutes early... and since I'd confiscated that man's cell, discussed plans for the evening with my mom. When the hour hit, I got out and went to the door... only to realize I'd misread the hours and had another hour to wait... Not happening, so I went home. (only a few miles away)
Obviously, I went back. Too early again, but I was waiting at the door when they unlocked. The tech was completely sympathetic to my crisis, but all he could do was confirm my phone was very dead. He gave me some advice and said... "Welcome to the Hell of iphone ownership."
He wasn't lying.
When I got home, I called the number to make an appointment at the Apple store. The woman who answered did not listen to me and tried to tell me I had to pay either $200. or $69.95 to get a replacement. I said no. My phone is under warranty. I haven't had it that long. I finally told her to just make me an appointment at the Apple store and to stop talking. She apologized and made the appointment.
So, I drive nearly an hour away - leaving early in case I got lost - and finally arrived at this geek girl's dream. I love the Apple store. I would live there. They were very nice and helpful to everyone around me. People left smiling. Then it was my turn. The tech was awesome and nice and did everything he could, but, honestly, it was not enough. I left in tears, without a replacement phone and feeling like I had no options. Oh, it's on order and will arrive in 5 to 7 days... Yeah. Really? That sucks hard. I even offered to accept a lesser phone, but they had none of those in stock either. (I didn't have to pay anything.) I don't understand why I can't exchange it at my cell providers store and walk out with a working phone.
I walked to the store for my cell company and explained my situation. I love my cell phone provider. The guy was helpful and nice and hooked me up with a cheapy toy phone for a few bucks.
This "temporary" phone sucks butt. It doesn't even have voice mail. I don't like it. At all. But at least I have a phone and can text...
The thing is, I am still very much in love with my iPhone. I feel as if I am missing an arm or leg. I'm nervous and shaky... I know that doesn't bode well for my dependence on the thing and maybe being forced to be without it will turn out to be a good thing. (But I doubt it)
I know. I know. I'll survive. Maybe.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I Am Freaking Out...

My iPhone is dead.
I know you know how much I love my iPhone!
It will not turn on - no matter what I do. I have tried every single fix. Visited every website and even watched a You Tube video where the phone in question was smashed to bits. (That's really not going to help me considering my phone should still be under warranty).
I don't know what happened. We were on our way to pick up K3 and it just died. It's been on the charger for more than 2 hours with nothing...
Ahhhh!!! We will see what my trip to the cell store brings tomorrow....

Friday, August 10, 2012

Feel Good Friday

Oh, week... why do you have to always kick me where it hurts?
There is good though... there is always at least "some" good...
1. Sleeping in tomorrow... Always good.
2. The beach is coming soon....
3. Gas points... because... they are awesome and money saving...
4. The critique partner having the book and having some very awesome concerns... (I know that's kind of backwards, but she ALWAYS knows....) The spectacular thing is that her concerns coincide with my concerns...
5. Wedding meeting coming up! For K1 and it will be an awesome wedding even though we have very little time to plan!
6. My new grandchild coming after 2013 begins...
7. One year from today K2 will be legally wed to her soulmate! How awesome is that??
8. The beach! I am unsure and a little nervous, but it's the beach!!
9. Getting stuff done... accomplishment is always good...
10. Sleeping in tomorrow... I am so very tired....

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

What a Day...

Here's a list of things I will not do tomorrow:
1. Sleep in. :(
2. Wear "real" shoes. (flip flops only - until the boss tells me to stop it)
3. Revise, edit, or write. Which, this time, is good because it means my manuscript has gone to one of my trusty critique partners for a final read through. Yippee!
4. Put my hair up. Because I still don't have hair. It's getting longer, but I will probably cut it one more time before I let it grow again. It's ridiculous looking at the moment and the man won't give me the temporary mohawk I want! I'm still working on him.
5. Did I mention not sleeping in? Dang it!
6. Kick a toad.
7. Lick chickens.
8. Be home or in bed at a decent time.
9. Be able to finish the Firefly marathon I started tonight. (I am working on getting K4 hooked! And it's working!)
10. Buy a horse.
Well...There's your random list for Wednesday...

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Of Ice and Men...

Embedded image permalink Or of Ice and Kids.....
This sign is hanging in my freezer. It's a reminder to check, empty, and fill the ice cube trays. Our old fridge had an automatic ice maker and still couldn't keep up with the demand around here. I buy bag after bag of ice, but there is never any in the cold box.
I'm not sure the sign will help, but it's worth a shot - especially since the ice bin is behind the sign. I'll have to switch it up in a few days because they'll get used to seeing it and the words will no longer mean anything to them.
It's been an insane weekend so far. Late nights, little sleep, and constant running. I did manage to sprint into the grocery store for some essentials yesterday in between taking my niece home and getting to a birthday party, but didn't have time to do the regular shopping. I have a few glorious hours of no obligations this morning... And I am writing.
I probably should get to it.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Feel Good Friday...

The "No, it's not really Saturday, even though it is, but I'm still awake so it's Friday" edition... 12:47am - I just finished catching up on everything I HAD to do tonight (and there was no writing! Wah!) and I should be in bed, but the shot of caffeine I had has not left me yet, so now you're stuck with me...
Okay... Here's the list:
1. Baseball game tonight! And That Man's company picnic. Bleh food, barely talked to anyone from That Man's office because we were so spread out (remember - I used to work there, too), but a good time. We took our niece and K4 since K3 had to work. S had a blast and even got caught commenting on the cuteness of one of the players. (Her face was RED! And... He was cute!) The game was kind of boring until the 7th inning. The only thing that kept me amused was K4 and S and their antics.
 2. The Fireworks after the game. They were crazy amazing! Didn't go off too high - I guess because of the humidity ?? - and they were right over our heads. (we had cardboard pieces falling on us) Very cool.
3. Living through the work week.
4. Writing group meeting tomorrow! (In like...8 hours because I have to do a board meeting first... Oy! But breakfast is involved, so that's good!)
5. The rest of the crazy weekend! Birthday parties, Eagle Scout Ceremony (always cool), umm...I think farmer's market, grocery shopping, and laundry are part of the weekend, but I don't know when...
6. K5 and her absolute adorableness.
 Short list this week...

Thursday, August 02, 2012

I Could Have Sworn...

I posted earlier this week... Or maybe I was swearing and that's why I didn't? I don't know, but Holy Crap! It's Thursday already! And it's August! Lots going on around here, but not much worth sharing. Just the usual chaos with an extra portion or two thrown in for kicks and giggles Except... K5 is the most hysterical, cutest kid ever! We watched her for a few hours last night and not only did she make everyone eat "pink" ice cream because that's her favorite, she wore us out. In a good way, of course. She's the bestest! and... Looking forward to the weekend, even though it's crazy busy! Feel Good Friday will be late, but it'll show up eventually! Behave!