
Friday, August 24, 2012

Feel Good Friday...

There isn't a lot of good to this week... I miss my puppy so much. Our house is sad and quiet. Her dishes are gone, so is her bed. Her "babies" are in the washing machine to be claimed by K3 & K4 as reminders of their best friend. The fire sirens went off a little while ago and that man and I looked at each other - someone's got to make sure the dog is in because she'll howl. But no. We don't. She won't be "singing" along with the sirens anymore.
So... in honor of our very special family member. Here is Feel Good Friday - Abbie Style...
1. Our Abbie was the Safety Dog. Any time the kids were doing something she thought was unsafe, she would freak out. Whether she barked, pestered me, or tried to block them... she was on duty. One time, we took her to the beach. She was upset that the older three were in the water splashing around. She wouldn't stop whining and bugging me. K4 decided she was ready to go into the ocean and as I picked K4 up to take her into the waves, Abbie knocked me down and stood between me and K4. She did not want her baby in the water.
2. When she was a puppy she used to crawl on top of the open dishwasher door. It was so, so cute.
3. She wasn't allowed on the couch. She was always on the couch when we weren't looking.
4. She could "high five", "speak", and "shake". When my sister got her dog we were forbidden to teach Nezzie how to shake.
5. When K5 first started walking, Abbie was terrified of her. She would back away while still assuming a submissive position. She never snarled or growled, but she was scared of this tiny walking thing...
6. Our yard isn't completely fenced in and until recently, we never had to worry about it. She never left. Occasionally she'd go down to visit That man's mother (who lives right behind us and has had her share of Abbie duty while we're away). A few times she'd go trash can diving because the garbage smelled too good too resist, but not often. Then she began wandering... (The vet said the toxins in her brain made her think weird things which is why we had to track her down lately)
7. She loved the creek and camping... Which is why we buried her in The Meadow. Any time she even thought we were going to either my sister's house or the creek, she was in the truck... waiting. And she wouldn't get out no matter what. She loved my sister's dog and my sister's family (they were here when we brought her home and she thought they were hers too.)
And... I can't do this anymore....
I miss her more than I can even say. She was my girl. She was my buddy and my friend....
Rest in Peace...

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