
Thursday, October 19, 2017


It was a beautiful day! Chilly this morning, but absolutely gorgeous this afternoon. Gotta love that!

Still brain draining at the day job. There's nothing for it. It is what it is.

Came home to find a storm window broken in the hall. Granted, it had been leaning there - waiting for installation near the cat box. But the danged thing was shattered and there was cat litter everywhere. Also, a few drops of blood on the sharp shards still stuck in the frame. Neither animal has any injuries, so no idea on that. What I think is that the dog attempted to move it to get to her cat "tootsie rolls" that she has an affinity for, and knocked it down, crashing it either on her own head, or on the edge of the box. Like I said, she's not injured, so I don't know if that's feasible. Anyway. Cleaned that up. Did some laundry. Dishes. Edited 13 pages (less than 10 to go, but I need to add a few things, so...)

Now it's bedtime. And man, I am tired.

Tomorrow is Friday though! Always a very good thing!

That is all!


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