
Saturday, April 05, 2014

Feel Good Friday - The Saturday Edition

I know it's almost Sunday, but here's the list....
1. The dryer is fixed! Yay for clothes that aren't stiff!
2. Making writing progress!
3. The new job! I dig it! I have, so far, found no negatives!
4. My puppy learning new things and growing up.
5. The oncoming end of the school year!
6. Retreat coming up! YAY!!
7. Getting to hang out with my grandson! He is so stinking cute!
8. The warm weather that's supposed to be here?
9. Easter plans...
10. Coordinating things and end of the school year things and stuff like that... Ha... That seems cryptic, but it's really not. The kids only have about 30 days of school left...
That's all...

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