
Sunday, November 03, 2019

Here We Go!

Last Three Days coming up at the soon-to-be-former day job...

I'm a mess of sinus and headache.

I had a book signing today. I actually forgot about it - not on purpose - and it's fine because I remembered in enough time to not feel like a jerk. It's a fun event. A growing one. And one I'll keep doing until it's no longer fun. I got to talk to a bunch of people, sold some books, and I got to spend time with one of the besties catching up.

As I drove home from the signing, I could feel the sinus crap creeping in. Maybe it was from the old building, or the weather. I felt like utter crap for the longest time, and then a felt a little bit better. I'm still in the little bit phase though.


I did my words. Had an idea for the next book and wrote that down. I think it's pretty solid. I like it and the direction it will go. That's like huge considering I haven't had a really great idea or direction in a super long time. It just solidified my decision to do what I'm doing.

Oh! And K4 Nick Cage'd me... I know how to turn the extension off, but it cracks me up to open a new tab and see the Nick Cage pictures popping up. Don't tell her though. She still thinks I'm super pissed at her. Which I am a little, because just don't touch my stuff. So don't tell her otherwise. Ha!

That is all...

I'm burning out! Time change last night and I feel dead...


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