
Wednesday, November 06, 2019

So Many Feels...

1. It was an emotional day.

My coworkers made me cry. The CEO made me cry. The Outside Sales Supervisor made me cry. My boss made me cry. It was rough. But even though I was crying, I was so happy at how much they all support me and my dreams. They all had really nice things to say to me. Turning in my key card hit me like a ton of bricks. Talking to my sales reps one last time did too. Talking with the outside rep supervisor was also rough. He's a great guy and someone I consider to be a friend. Somehow, even though he intimidates everyone else, we became friends early on - we have common interests and values and have always had easy conversation. When he comes to the office, I always stop in and say hi and talk about stuff. That was rough. Talking to the big boss was also tear inducing.

Hugging the coworker who has known me the longest at the end of the day brought actual sobs. She trained me. She used to sit across the "cubes" from me and would try to get me to sing to her. We've been through a hell of a lot together. She's actually one of the only reasons I stuck it out as long as I did. I love her and while I know I will see her again, it's not going to be the same because we aren't united in a single cause anymore.

None if it seems real though. Part of me expects to wake up tomorrow and head into work like I have for the last five and a half years. Part of me expects to walk into the office and say "good morning, bitches", like I do every day. So we'll see how I feel tomorrow...

It's a process. I'm sure. I'm just glad I have the next four days off to process and relax.


2. The contractor working on the house next door...

ARGH!! My flower beds are destroyed. Flowers and plants I have been growing for years are gone. Decorations are also missing. Seriously. I'm about to lose it! 

My lilac bush is gone.

They even mulched a tree that there is no way shape or form could be conceived as on that property. In fact, there is no way you couldn't figure out that the flower bed was that house's property! They had to go through our front gate to get to it.

I am so angry! It's not even funny! I left a note on the door for them to call me. I will be marching over there as soon as they arrive to give them the riot act. And calling the borough and anyone I can think of.

I need to let it go for tonight though. I can't do squat at the moment. I've had a long, long and hard day and this is the last thing I needed.

... So that's two, but it's enough... I'm a trainwreck!

I will update tomorrow...


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