
Sunday, December 08, 2019

Christmas Party Saturday...

I know it's late! We've been home for a little while, but have to wait for the furnace to catch up, so we're watching a Christmas movie and chilling. Well, actually, That Man is snoozing on the couch... I would be too, but I started sneezing like a maniac a few minutes ago and now my sinuses feel like they're going to blow apart.


It was Christmas all day here (even though my Fall decorations are still on the porch).

Up early to decorate the white chocolate raspberry cheesecake I made for the party. Homemade whipped cream and fresh raspberries. The cake actually made it to the party in one piece, though I dinged it on the door on my way inside. I ended up making strawberry sauce for it since I failed on buying raspberry jam, but it was fine.

I had to be there early for a board meeting. It was my last board meeting since I am not on the board in 2020. It was productive and good.

Then the party - lots of good food and conversations. I requested and received good kitten advice, talked podcasts, cheesecake, book covers, and random stuff. It was really good to connect with my chapter mates!

Got home and took a tiny rest. That Man got home and we wrapped our white elephant gifts and hit the road to the next party. It was a good time. Lots of good food, laughter, and conversation. We connected with one of the office ladies and her husband and talked about a ton of stuff. It was a good time. The white elephant was a blast. I came home with a bottle of champagne and That Man came home with two awesome candles. Our gifts were a hit, too.

Tomorrow is the usual chores, but then we are going to K2's for dinner. I have to make mac and cheese.

And that is all...


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