
Saturday, December 28, 2019

It's Almost Over...

The Holidays, I mean...

We just have New Year's to get through... Oy... I have no idea what we're doing about that yet... We have several invitations, but we may just end up on Main Street in our little town for a few minutes. Don't know yet.

We had a pretty darned nice Christmas! Christmas Eve was good! Good soup. Good company. Great niece holding! Grandsons! Siblings! Friends! (lots of !!!!!) We did our first White Elephant gift exchange and I think it went pretty well! We'll definitely do it again next year.

Folks went home. We cleaned up. Re-set for Christmas Day!

I was the last one up in the morning, which is surprising! Usually I am the one that is making coffee, turning on the lights, and taking the dog out. That Man had coffee ready and K4 was already through her cup by the time I came down! She was happy with her presents. We broke up the chaos a few times like we always do, but this year, we waited on breakfast until K3 and A got here.

Got breakfast done. Mimosas. Presents. Made the stuffed shells for the birthday dinner. Travelled to see K1 and J and the boys. Split up from there. K3 and A went to see A's gma. We stopped at That Man's second job for keys. I stayed in the car and I shouldn't have. The boss wife came out to see me, but she just had neck surgery. I felt bad for being a slump and staying in the car. They gave me a glass of wine and we journeyed home.

A quick nap. And shells. And Birthday stuff. K3 and A came back for the naps and stuff.

It was a good day. We were in bed way late, but it was okay.

Off Thursday and Friday! Beautiful! A little sleeping in on Thursday. We went to the mega hardware store for supplies to get K4 back into the attic. A little change in walls, etc, and she's got her little apartment up there. She's ecstatic and we just have a little more work to do before we can move her stuff up there.

Of course, she has no bathroom or kitchen, but the space will still be amazing! The renovations we did last summer ( summer before last?) are still amazing. The floors are beautiful.

Today, I actually changed out of my jammies and took a shower! Ha! (I did put real pants on to go to the mega hardware store!) I went to the grocery store and caught up on the fiasco that is my national writing chapter at the moment. I am not sure if I am cancelling my membership at this point or not... It's all a bunch of bullcrap...

And that's all I have... Tomorrow is Sunday... Our last day off. We work all day Monday and a partial day Tuesday. Off Wednesday and then back to work on Thursday. Though I will say it's exciting to start the year off with all of my vacation time in place! Whoot!

That is all... I'm off to edit now...


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