
Monday, December 16, 2019

Seven Days...

It's the final countdown.... (cue Sponge Bob... lol)

We're almost there. Did the inventory and are pretty good except for a few final things. We couldn't go crazy this year, we've got some big expenses coming up - like a major tree trimming and the cost is so outrageous I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around it. But it must be done. Whatever. It's not about the presents at all, and it would do me good to remember that!

Here's our tree!

It's not as fat or tall as I normally go for, but it's beautiful and it smells amazing!

So far, the kittens have left it pretty much alone. The tree skirt is all bunched around the back, but that's normal. We had that when it was just Spenser. *Knock on wood* Not one cat has gotten into the tree at this point. We shall see though. It's early...

This time next week, I should be making K4's birthday cake and working on her stuff shells for dinner. We're having an Italian feast this year for her 20th birthday! And the ultimate goal is not work a lot on Christmas! I will do as much as possible before so I don't have much to do on the day.

The really nice thing is That Man and I are off the days after Christmas. Which is awesome! Sleeping in! Whoot! We'll need it after this week and next!

But first we need to get through this work week...It's an easy week for the most part.

That is all.


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