
Friday, December 06, 2019

Feel Good Friday!

Thank you Friday!

Though I have to say... my weeks are far less dependant on Friday! It's been a struggle to accept the no stress. In fact, it's been such a struggle that I have been making that stress for myself. It wasn't until last night when I talked to a friend that I realized that... Today was different with that knowledge and I had a good talk with a coworker. It's really good and while I miss my old peeps, I am still confident that my decision was the best.

And my brain is healing... It is... I have ideas and thoughts and critical thinking!

So on to the Feel Good...

1. Figuring out the Christmas stuff with That Man... We have a weak plan at this point, but at least we're getting somewhere.

2. Dinner out tonight. Well... kind of. I wasn't too hungry, so I ordered an appetizer for dinner, but it was brought out right away when it was supposed to have been brought out with That Man's food. Whatever. It was fine. We still had some quiet time and conversation.

3. Weekend plans. That Man has to work a half day. I have a morning Christmas Party. Then we have his part-time job Christmas party - which is always fun. We bought a hysterical gift for it. They do an amazing White Elephant thing and I can't wait to see what happens!

4. Sunday is up in the air, but laundry will be done. And hopefully some decorations will be put out.

5. Writing has been done this week!

6. Good conversations with K4. Her "girls" are recovering and now shedding, which is a good thing. I do have a container of worms in my fridge, which is whatever... I don't necessarily like it, but I don't care either. They are so freaking cute!

And that's all I have...


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